I GOT'S ME HAIR DID!!! I'm so happy with it. It's fun to have a sort of fuck off job that loves you and dosen't care.
Oh yeah. My hair. Cause we were talking about me... (what a boring subject
Well... not much different. Still long and black... with NEW RED TIPS!
Well I like it anyway.
FINE! If you don't like it, then LEAVE! GO AWAY! SCRAM!
aww... now im all lonly.
Oh YEAH! I give MAD props to Stephen Colbert! Guy's got the balls of GOD! Seriouseylieie!
Aaaaand I watched Silent Hill. Heres my official statement/critique on the movie.
F/X department and music. Great. It was really well done. And the way they weren't afraid to go a little further than everyone else in the utterly brutaly violent department, I applaude them.
Story. Ummm... like most video game movies, the writers change what the accual premise, and core of the story to be more easily understood by a simple audience that will want to watch (and pay) over and over. If it were on it's own, I'd say it was pretty good. Great even. But I was still a little dissapointed in the way the story went away from the plot of something that was already so great. I mean, if they had taken the path that was already laid out for them, and why the first game is my fav, they would have had, what should have been Harry Mason, badass that he is, destroy a god.
I still say they should have gone in the same style that SH2 did by doing somewhat of a side story sort of thing... something that didin't determine what it was that happend to the town. It's a lot more shallow the way the movie went.
BAH! I'm teetering on the brink of ranting... i think.
I GOT'S ME HAIR DID!!! I'm so happy with it. It's fun to have a sort of fuck off job that loves you and dosen't care.
Oh yeah. My hair. Cause we were talking about me... (what a boring subject
Well... not much different. Still long and black... with NEW RED TIPS!
Well I like it anyway.
FINE! If you don't like it, then LEAVE! GO AWAY! SCRAM!
aww... now im all lonly.
Oh YEAH! I give MAD props to Stephen Colbert! Guy's got the balls of GOD! Seriouseylieie!
Aaaaand I watched Silent Hill. Heres my official statement/critique on the movie.
F/X department and music. Great. It was really well done. And the way they weren't afraid to go a little further than everyone else in the utterly brutaly violent department, I applaude them.
Story. Ummm... like most video game movies, the writers change what the accual premise, and core of the story to be more easily understood by a simple audience that will want to watch (and pay) over and over. If it were on it's own, I'd say it was pretty good. Great even. But I was still a little dissapointed in the way the story went away from the plot of something that was already so great. I mean, if they had taken the path that was already laid out for them, and why the first game is my fav, they would have had, what should have been Harry Mason, badass that he is, destroy a god.
I still say they should have gone in the same style that SH2 did by doing somewhat of a side story sort of thing... something that didin't determine what it was that happend to the town. It's a lot more shallow the way the movie went.
BAH! I'm teetering on the brink of ranting... i think.
it is AWESOME!!
i'm very jealous of your new hair!!!
i'm getting mine done on monday. cutting it and then dying it all red and black!! yay!!
i'm soooo excited!!! but monday seems sooo far away!! :[
and yeah....silent hill by itself was awesome...scared the bajeezers outa me!! lol
i'm such a chicken with movies!!