Last weekend, My friend Dave came down from Humboldt to stay at my house for a few days. We went to Rocket (a indie/80s nightclub in SF), visited some frends in the South Bay and gave them their wedding absinthe (because kitchen utensils are passe), which we enjoyed... a lot. IEspecially when we watched the movie May - it made an already fucked-up movie much more surreal. The coolest part of his visit was meeting one of our old musical idols of the 90s - Billy Corgan. He came down to SF to do an onstage interview and poetry reading to promote his new book of poetry, all closed off by his acapella singing of an old Catholic prayer (not really my first choice of music, but it was cool). Afterward, we got to meet him and get our books signed... I felt like I was a teenage fanboy in 1996 all over again!
I 'd really like to update this more often, but after 8 hours a day in front of the computer, sitting down in front of the scren at home is the last thing I want to do. And I'm kinda unwilling to pull up SG at work It could lead to some pretty awkward situations, like trying to talk to a customer on the phone while drooling. Or saying "thank you for calling, this is nipple."

I 'd really like to update this more often, but after 8 hours a day in front of the computer, sitting down in front of the scren at home is the last thing I want to do. And I'm kinda unwilling to pull up SG at work It could lead to some pretty awkward situations, like trying to talk to a customer on the phone while drooling. Or saying "thank you for calling, this is nipple."

You should do the SG thing at work...but, pretend the the customer you are talking to is the same girl that you are looking at. It should make for some intereseting phone conversations
Oh hey, I got a ticket to the Faint on the Tuesday I'll see you there.
That is too great.