Well, I made it back from NY in one piece! I had a great time with friends, just relaxing, seeing the sights and giggling like a little girl. I needed that getaway because my stress level was going through the roof. The best part? The Producers. I enjoyed it very much so. That and Healthy Habits...Tasty organic dinner treats
It is quite windy and rainy outside today, which is actually kind of nice. I need to stay inside and get laundry done and clean up around here, so it prevents me from wanting to flee the house. I am also going to try to finish the book Im currently reading, and start the new Chuck Palahniuk book I bought while in NY. I also picked up the new System of a Down and Epoxies CD's and they are WONDERFUL! And, some new DvD's, Team America: World Police, The Life Aquatic and an old favorite, Airplane! Roger Roger, what's our vector Victor?
Eeeehehehe! Anyhow, I guess I better get the day going. First some food, then all the responsibility.
Have a great day SG'ers

It is quite windy and rainy outside today, which is actually kind of nice. I need to stay inside and get laundry done and clean up around here, so it prevents me from wanting to flee the house. I am also going to try to finish the book Im currently reading, and start the new Chuck Palahniuk book I bought while in NY. I also picked up the new System of a Down and Epoxies CD's and they are WONDERFUL! And, some new DvD's, Team America: World Police, The Life Aquatic and an old favorite, Airplane! Roger Roger, what's our vector Victor?
Eeeehehehe! Anyhow, I guess I better get the day going. First some food, then all the responsibility.
Have a great day SG'ers

Thanks for the sweet comment on my set, it made my day.
I know what you mean about getting fed up with it, hair is just soo much unessecary aggro to look after.