So i haven't written in a while...
It's been soooo hectic since i got to LA! I was supposed to be staying with a friend and that kinda fell through when i got here. Woulda been nice to know before i got on a plane... Anyway, i'm super stoked to be here and i've had a lot of fun and met some cool people so far. Only problem is i am kinda without a home. So if anyone wants to let me crash with them, or is looking for a roommate, please let me know!! Also, for everyone that has written me and i have not responded to I'm sorry! It's been difficult to get on the internet being as how i dont have a place to stay. So thanks for your patience!
It's been soooo hectic since i got to LA! I was supposed to be staying with a friend and that kinda fell through when i got here. Woulda been nice to know before i got on a plane... Anyway, i'm super stoked to be here and i've had a lot of fun and met some cool people so far. Only problem is i am kinda without a home. So if anyone wants to let me crash with them, or is looking for a roommate, please let me know!! Also, for everyone that has written me and i have not responded to I'm sorry! It's been difficult to get on the internet being as how i dont have a place to stay. So thanks for your patience!

and good luck with the home thing! I'm weird so, sleeping on couches of strangers sounds fun to me but you need a bed!