I woke up this morning planning on making pancakes using the very last egg in the house, the existance of which another family member had cast into doubt. After securing the precious ingredient I said something along the lines of "Aw yeeeah" proceeded by something along the lines of "yeeeah, yeeeah, yup yup yeeeah," as I went in search of the measuing cup. I don't know what I was thinking, but I suppose I imagined myself a sort of gangster. And a huge dork. In other news, few things are more fun to wake someone up with than The Pillows and their crazy, crazy sunshine. That and the Final Fantasy Tactics soundtrack is often brilliant, mixed berry bannana pancakes are yummy, and this entry was brought to you by the vitamins C, E, and the mineral zinc.
thank u for the comment on my set!!
happy holidays!!

Not at all. The internet is a terrible form of expression, so I tend to not judge anyone by what they say on it... unless it's obvious, like if someone were to say something like "I hate black people'. Then yeah, I think it's safe to assume they're an asshole.