ive done nothing but work on the new web site, and splits. for weeeeeeks. and water the plants. mary j wana. enough to put me away i suppose, for a long time. i dont ask for anything for my work. and i dont smoke either. its just that i like taking care of them and feeling useful. i like how i smell each day with the watering is done. sometimes one needs a support stick, or to be moved into better light. they are huge, and big as a man most of them, but i still think of them like my babies. theyre just about ready id say. big and chunky. splits and a kind of hand stand. imagine: you bend over forward, put your hands firmly on the ground, legs spread, and then slowly remove your feet from the ground. i cant do it yet, but im getting there. i can do it with a tree to help a little. and i can come slowly down (much easier) all the way to .. legs resting on elbows, spread outside of my body. only hands touching floor. its hard to eexmplain . ill send a picture.
More Blogs
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recorded the cows today. later in the house the farmer stood in the … -
Thursday Oct 04, 2007
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Sunday Sep 23, 2007
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Friday Sep 14, 2007
it was a hard afternoon and evening. i mean easy. i mean confused.… -
Friday Sep 07, 2007
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Friday Aug 10, 2007
ive done nothing but work on the new web site, and splits. for weeee… -
Sunday Jul 22, 2007
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Sunday Jul 08, 2007
in nbg. again.. ok. fine. friends. its summer. life is easy, and …