Happy New Year to everyone-
I am exhausted from not sleeping a wink in over 24 hours and I am delirious and feverish with this insanly intense passion from 3000 miles away......
This is the short version of what happened:
My house, House next door and house behind sometimes throw parties ....So we did for NYE. We call ourselves the Formosa Corners. I call my cutie neighbors house- the Parliment house mafia! If you don't know and give a rats ass, google P.H. in Orlando and connect the dots
I use to work with the girl next door-the trendy creative people house...they don't get drunk- They get tore the fuck up to epic proportions and then play shy and artsy while sober. The scandel seeped into the walls of my house....I don't have to repeat
Chad and Stewart are roomies behind,steph, john and justin to he left,me ,my pregger roomate, her now husband and his son with us 3-4 days a week( master boogie ) round out The whorelando chapter of the UN!!
hang lights
project ball dropping from one house to the side of our house(could you imagine porn)????
shop more
cook more
set up
Blahblah blah 4am w/ the PHM hags cleaning up a disaster as the we're trendy and shy took their bring wine(cause we lit up on LIQUOR BITCHES) asses straight to bed about 2ish as if they were tidy cats
and my house is preggers so clearly ....my drunk tired ass was not leaving shit undone.
Text to SoCal
Friend seeing my ass on Bowl
showered, drunk, exhausted- he calls
hours on and off on the phone-"Listen to me"I only ever wanted you....he says - I couldn't speak-I know what I feel, I will only say it to him together, more and more he stirs everything in me. How could he know the things that inspire and ellicit my passions? I didn't know...everything is alive with him .....more than I could ever dream w/another -he's just so much more.(sweet sighs)
Run around with roomate
Sushi-the kid is 17 months, he plays nicely w/chopsticks and always eats a and all my damn seaweed salad!! I love this kid, he never ceases to amaze w/ his intelligence and refined tastes!

Somewhere, someone has really good pics of the front andback of that outfit and just plain fun ones of the evening. My bitch ass must sleep now eventhough that has not worked out well for me the past 3 hours I've been trying....FUCK
Post more as they roll in...
I am exhausted from not sleeping a wink in over 24 hours and I am delirious and feverish with this insanly intense passion from 3000 miles away......
This is the short version of what happened:
My house, House next door and house behind sometimes throw parties ....So we did for NYE. We call ourselves the Formosa Corners. I call my cutie neighbors house- the Parliment house mafia! If you don't know and give a rats ass, google P.H. in Orlando and connect the dots

Chad and Stewart are roomies behind,steph, john and justin to he left,me ,my pregger roomate, her now husband and his son with us 3-4 days a week( master boogie ) round out The whorelando chapter of the UN!!
hang lights
project ball dropping from one house to the side of our house(could you imagine porn)????
shop more
cook more
set up
Blahblah blah 4am w/ the PHM hags cleaning up a disaster as the we're trendy and shy took their bring wine(cause we lit up on LIQUOR BITCHES) asses straight to bed about 2ish as if they were tidy cats

Text to SoCal
Friend seeing my ass on Bowl

showered, drunk, exhausted- he calls
hours on and off on the phone-"Listen to me"I only ever wanted you....he says - I couldn't speak-I know what I feel, I will only say it to him together, more and more he stirs everything in me. How could he know the things that inspire and ellicit my passions? I didn't know...everything is alive with him .....more than I could ever dream w/another -he's just so much more.(sweet sighs)
Run around with roomate
Sushi-the kid is 17 months, he plays nicely w/chopsticks and always eats a and all my damn seaweed salad!! I love this kid, he never ceases to amaze w/ his intelligence and refined tastes!

Somewhere, someone has really good pics of the front andback of that outfit and just plain fun ones of the evening. My bitch ass must sleep now eventhough that has not worked out well for me the past 3 hours I've been trying....FUCK

Post more as they roll in...
I only know Parliament House cuz a friend of mine went to their HALLOWEEN BALL!! can you imagine?