NOTE: for the pictures below there is a link below them to see the full image. They get cut in half on here
I had a semi-eventful day. That means I actually left the house. I know its a shock. I decided that I really needed to get out of the house since I really havent been out in public for quite some time :S
I ended up mowing the lawn first. Then I went and drove all over town. Mostly out around the canyon. I took some pictures.
Click here for a full sized photo.
Click here for a full sized photo.
These are pictures of the canyon that is right next to my town. Hopefully you guys have heard of the snake river canyon? Anyways that was good as it was fun to listen to music and just drive around. It was a really nice day for it.
After that I decided that I would go see a movie. So I went to see Star Wars III. It was pretty cool because I was the only one in the entire theater. So I had my own private showing. I really liked the movie to be honest. It put alot of things together but at the end it kinda hurried things up a bit too much.
Now this is kinda where things went weird. Weird for me because I am finally writing about this to people I dont really know. This may sound stupid but oh well. While watching the movie there were several parts that made me feel certain emotions. Hate, anger, sadness, etc. The part I feel stupid about is I almost cried during this movie.
Now since the movie I have thought a bit about this. Something in me changed. It changed quite some time ago actually. I use to be your semi-typical person watching cop shows and animal brutality shows etc. "when animals attack" and what not. The more gore the better type of thing.
Well, I cant watch those anymore. I cant stand it. I dont have the stomach for it. Not that it makes me physically sick just, that I cant deal with it. Now I just think that I am being a little pussy about it but this has happened alot since whatever changed. I usually dont show much emotion but ever since that change I am unable to or barely able to control my emotions at certain times. Whether it be a blind rage or crying my eyes out like an idiot. Because of a fictional movie or because of a book.
I dont know why or when this change took place. I dont know if this is something that needs to be checked out or not. Or, if this is how I really am. I just dont understand it.

I had a semi-eventful day. That means I actually left the house. I know its a shock. I decided that I really needed to get out of the house since I really havent been out in public for quite some time :S
I ended up mowing the lawn first. Then I went and drove all over town. Mostly out around the canyon. I took some pictures.

Click here for a full sized photo.

Click here for a full sized photo.
These are pictures of the canyon that is right next to my town. Hopefully you guys have heard of the snake river canyon? Anyways that was good as it was fun to listen to music and just drive around. It was a really nice day for it.
After that I decided that I would go see a movie. So I went to see Star Wars III. It was pretty cool because I was the only one in the entire theater. So I had my own private showing. I really liked the movie to be honest. It put alot of things together but at the end it kinda hurried things up a bit too much.
Now this is kinda where things went weird. Weird for me because I am finally writing about this to people I dont really know. This may sound stupid but oh well. While watching the movie there were several parts that made me feel certain emotions. Hate, anger, sadness, etc. The part I feel stupid about is I almost cried during this movie.
Now since the movie I have thought a bit about this. Something in me changed. It changed quite some time ago actually. I use to be your semi-typical person watching cop shows and animal brutality shows etc. "when animals attack" and what not. The more gore the better type of thing.
Well, I cant watch those anymore. I cant stand it. I dont have the stomach for it. Not that it makes me physically sick just, that I cant deal with it. Now I just think that I am being a little pussy about it but this has happened alot since whatever changed. I usually dont show much emotion but ever since that change I am unable to or barely able to control my emotions at certain times. Whether it be a blind rage or crying my eyes out like an idiot. Because of a fictional movie or because of a book.
I dont know why or when this change took place. I dont know if this is something that needs to be checked out or not. Or, if this is how I really am. I just dont understand it.

[Edited on Jul 03, 2005 4:07AM]