NEWS NEWS NEWS... this just in. "the world is ending... smoke that last cig, find that last chick to shank you, and make sure to call your mum and let her know you love her"
Not much going on lately :S I have so many projects that I want to start on outside but it has been raining for nearly a week now. I live in a DESERT dammit... now act like one.
I have a 30'x15' pad of concrete in my backyard that is 6" thick that I am going to take out because I am relandscaping the back yard. Since it has been raining non stop and all out nasty outside I havent been able to start
. Hopefully tomorrow... err today will be much nicer. It will be nice to finally get that started and make my muscles sore again.
I finished painting my room. Pure white... why? Because it is in a basement and the sun is limited down here so it makes it nice and bright. Where as before I was damn near vampire like. Still am but still puts me in a better mood with a brighter atmosphere.
Music that you should check out:
Group - Song name
Not much going on lately :S I have so many projects that I want to start on outside but it has been raining for nearly a week now. I live in a DESERT dammit... now act like one.
I have a 30'x15' pad of concrete in my backyard that is 6" thick that I am going to take out because I am relandscaping the back yard. Since it has been raining non stop and all out nasty outside I havent been able to start

I finished painting my room. Pure white... why? Because it is in a basement and the sun is limited down here so it makes it nice and bright. Where as before I was damn near vampire like. Still am but still puts me in a better mood with a brighter atmosphere.
Music that you should check out:
Group - Song name
- The Tea Party - Temptation
The Tea Party - Army Ants
Say Hi to Your Mom - Dimensions and Verticals
Veronicas Veil - My Darkest Secret
Kasabian - L.S.F
Kasabian - I.D.
Kasabian - Orange
Iron & Wine - Dead man's will (AWESOME SONG!)
Good stuff I like those songs. They make me happy. I dont know why but Iron & Wine (not really my style) I am addicted to the song Dead Man's Will. I just think it is completely and utterly awesome
Ps. Hello!