So what to write about today???!?!
How about Florida? Yay florida. The place that I was happy.
Backstory: I currently live in Idaho, US and have lived there for way too damn long. I got a job offer to go to Florida to help with the hurricane relief. I accepted and 8 hours later was on a plane to Florida where I spent the next 3-4 months. That was THE BESTEST FUCKING time I have ever had in my life. I was 100% truely and utterly happy.
The reasons I was so happy was I was finally doing something with my life that contributed to other people in need. I was around people that 100% accepted me for who I was and they were ok with that. Even writing about it and thinking about it makes me happy. I long so much to go back to how things were there.
After about 4 months they sent me home for my little vacation time. I took my vacation in Alaska to visit my brother. When it came time to fly back I went to the aiport to pick up my ticket and was informed that my credit card was declined. WTF?!?!?!? Its a government credit card with 50,000 dollar limit. Well, turns out that the good ol goverment was late on reimbursing the card and hence the airlines declined the card. So I start making calls and get alot of stupid people and what not. Then I finally got to the bottom of it. They said just stay there. You have served your term and we dont need you anymore.
So my time of pure bliss came to a crashing hault. I enede up spending 700$ to fly home where everything there fell apart too. I think I will talk about that in my next episode
Anyways I really miss the people that I worked with and was able to help. I miss it so much it hurts
Thats where I belonged.
EDIT: oh and here is this
This is a collection of photos and art that I have done and alot of photo's of Florida in there.
How about Florida? Yay florida. The place that I was happy.
Backstory: I currently live in Idaho, US and have lived there for way too damn long. I got a job offer to go to Florida to help with the hurricane relief. I accepted and 8 hours later was on a plane to Florida where I spent the next 3-4 months. That was THE BESTEST FUCKING time I have ever had in my life. I was 100% truely and utterly happy.
The reasons I was so happy was I was finally doing something with my life that contributed to other people in need. I was around people that 100% accepted me for who I was and they were ok with that. Even writing about it and thinking about it makes me happy. I long so much to go back to how things were there.
After about 4 months they sent me home for my little vacation time. I took my vacation in Alaska to visit my brother. When it came time to fly back I went to the aiport to pick up my ticket and was informed that my credit card was declined. WTF?!?!?!? Its a government credit card with 50,000 dollar limit. Well, turns out that the good ol goverment was late on reimbursing the card and hence the airlines declined the card. So I start making calls and get alot of stupid people and what not. Then I finally got to the bottom of it. They said just stay there. You have served your term and we dont need you anymore.

So my time of pure bliss came to a crashing hault. I enede up spending 700$ to fly home where everything there fell apart too. I think I will talk about that in my next episode

Anyways I really miss the people that I worked with and was able to help. I miss it so much it hurts

EDIT: oh and here is this
This is a collection of photos and art that I have done and alot of photo's of Florida in there.
And about the Florida experience; you should probably just be really glad you got to experience something like that. Something that you were completely happy doing, and where you were doing something useful instead of paper pushing for some big corporate faggots (hmm, well. I guess you were helping the government out in a way :/) but yeah, just remember it and appreciate it because i've not had a chance to do something like that yet. Don't mourn it.
Have you thought about helping out elsewhere?
Why don't you take some pictures of where you are? There must be something cool there.