Attn: Bay area SGers! I'm in desperate need for a model tomorrow at my salon to do a kick ass blowdry on. I had someone all lined up but she just canceled on me. I would be ever so grateful to anyone willing to do me this favor. It should just be a couple of hours at 11 A.M. or 1 P.M. and the model... Read More
No worries! I found the sweetest woman to be my model for tomorrow. She was actually the very first client I ever had, about a year ago, while I was attending school at Paul Mitchell. Just so you know, I'll have great need of all here who might be interested in helping me out as I go through this process. Also, I have many many photos from some editorial work that I have done but havent had a chance to upload them to my page just yet. You can see a few though in my pic area under My Work.
Again, Thanks a million and I look forward to seeing you all sooner than later.
My history is like a time-line of random dreams and events that makes up the hazy puzzle that I am today. The thing is, I've lost so many pieces that I don't always see how all that lunacy fits together.
Below is a charming little piece that I came across today.
Golly guys, it's been a while. I've miss all the bad ass nakey pics almost as much as my groovy friends on here that I have been hankering to see! Just so you know, I'll be in San Francisco Oct. 27th - Nov. 3rd.
Feel free to look me up on FB if you haven't already.
Just a heads up to my SG pals, my place was broken into about a month ago. They got my compy along w/ som other valuables of mine. So I won't be posting on here too often for the next month or so till I save up enough to buy another Mac.
Till then I hope all of you are well and to catch up... Read More
Hey gang! All has been well in Tucson. I'm going to be making my way to the bay area for a brief visit to load up my shtuff into a U-Hall and treck it back down to AZ. Any how, I'll be in town on Sunday 10th & Monday 11th and I was thinking how great it would be to see as many of you... Read More
I think the line goes something like this: "I'm sorry, but I'm not really looking for a relationship."
or there's always:
"look, it's not you. it's me."
UPDATE: I am alive and well in Tucson. Sunsets RULE! Yoga rocked but made me sore. I saw Avitar. Said "hi./bye." to friends that were in town visiting. Job hunt is going well and have some good leads. I saw a cool adobe guest house for for rent that's 780sqft @ $650 a month near the UofA. I gotta jet but just know that I'm... Read More
F.Y.I. I AM alive and well. Also, I'm moving to Tucson, Az. on X-mas night. I will miss my SGSF crew very very much. I'll be back often to visit my fam. though.
Again, Thanks a million and I look forward to seeing you all sooner than later.