so i got a email with this in it from OMP,so nice to have good news, so hopefulyl somthign good could come from this
Hi Stephen,
I would be very interested in doing a TFP ("trade for print") model photo shoot with you. I am a professional graphic designer and fine art model photographer. I have worked with a number of models in London and...
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Hi Stephen,
I would be very interested in doing a TFP ("trade for print") model photo shoot with you. I am a professional graphic designer and fine art model photographer. I have worked with a number of models in London and...
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sounds like a good opp for you man. SOrry to hear about you gran though
. i know how it feels and it fucking sucks. My condolences...

Mmmm...sincerity is your friend. Maybe you should try finding people you really like and have something in common with. Works better in the long run. So yeah...try again, we all do silly things.
well prety much the worse day of my life, my gran died last night a 76 she had a massive heart attack and died -sighs-(im not lookign for pity or empathy or sympathy this is my journal and im just putting it in so i know and rember so i dont forget) and then i wake up and get hate mail telling my im a...
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Why you had the urgent need to make a public bussines something thats private?
What I WROTE YOU BY MAIL is something that I SENT TO YOU but if you want to make a world, ok, do it, I wont.
Stop sending me emails please.
What I WROTE YOU BY MAIL is something that I SENT TO YOU but if you want to make a world, ok, do it, I wont.
Stop sending me emails please.
i am really sorry about your grandmother. mine passed away a couple of years ago-it's so hard to deal with...
and about the other stuff, hopefully this won't be too harsh...i think you're being way too dramatic. to repeat what a pathetic loser you are isn't going to get you any sympathy or friendships. grow up and take responsibility-say you're sorry and get on with it, don't make excuses for being weird or not having friends or whatever...and if you have some personal email battle going on, don't bring it to the site-no one cares. it seems like another attempt at getting sympathy and i don't think anyone's gonna give it to you right now. put your time into talking with the girls instead and maybe that way you'll earn their respect and friendship...
and about the other stuff, hopefully this won't be too harsh...i think you're being way too dramatic. to repeat what a pathetic loser you are isn't going to get you any sympathy or friendships. grow up and take responsibility-say you're sorry and get on with it, don't make excuses for being weird or not having friends or whatever...and if you have some personal email battle going on, don't bring it to the site-no one cares. it seems like another attempt at getting sympathy and i don't think anyone's gonna give it to you right now. put your time into talking with the girls instead and maybe that way you'll earn their respect and friendship...
my first set
mumbles nasty things- sooo i have to reboot my comp cos of all the crap thast on it (to amny virus from porn i gess) but basically i have to save all my pics and work and clients etc etc to disc go thru it all and see what has a virus and what doesnt reboot my comp and put it all abck on, what...
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hey hey
yeah you should definitely become a suicide boy, that's hot. i checked out your website!!! it's a, man. so are you really gonna cut your hair?

yes it is a long time away- but u only get one a year

what a cute dog!
I'll definitely add you. What a sweet message.
I'll definitely add you. What a sweet message.
What you said is fine by me.
I'll add you. =)
I'll add you. =)
ok 2,
1) wos Masuimi Max ever a SG? cos i think shed qulify
2) any one know where i can get a desighn for a tatto,its for a robot cut out like the bottom being the top of my hip the top beign the bottom of my rub maybe like a torn out section showing my sindies as being robot parts with...
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ok 2,
1) wos Masuimi Max ever a SG? cos i think shed qulify
2) any one know where i can get a desighn for a tatto,its for a robot cut out like the bottom being the top of my hip the top beign the bottom of my rub maybe like a torn out section showing my sindies as being robot parts with...
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thanks hun and yer i knwo iamtrouble-member- but just thoguht id ask cos theres years of history ehre and im new so....but thank you
oh and thansk for the info on groups
i had a pretty sureal morning ,some guy came in and wos tlaking to ym dad while i wos alseep about gas and eletric and power saving and in my dream they wer having the convo in my room while i wos in be dexcept my room wos the otuehr way roud like my bed is oposit my door but in my dream it wasent...
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so ive decided i despratly need a hair cut or a new look wosthinking maybe dreding it and dying it but dont know if it whould suit me, also thinking maybe cutting it to about eye level and seeing what happens maybe have curtains yet again dont know if it whould suit me sooo, wondering any one out there wanna give me some advice ,i...
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Yeah, I relly dont know... let me tell you, Im a paranoid and now im afraid of having cancer.
im sorry hun, i think i have a tumor,,(no joke) and im not really
parnoid, i just dont care enough,about that
parnoid, i just dont care enough,about that
ok so im still feeling lonly nut now im like suuupppeeerrrr happy cos a certain some one accepted my freinds request ok, its silyl and petetic and doesnt mean anything, but its all i got =T so im gonan enjoy it while i can just sititng here wondering what i can do gonan make a banner so nay SG's whould like to be in my...
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I had an okay day. Stood around for 5 out of th 8 hours at work, came home, cleaned up, now relaxing

awsome hun, -poitns to what he did today- lol not alot need a job

yer so im feelign pretty lonly, relsing its nearly valntines day and no one to share it with, blah blah depressing stuff oooo poor me, pffffft any way , i need a girlfriend or a hug or both which ever comes first, both whould be pretty good right now, sighs an wonders off-
welcome to the site. thanks for the email
welcome to the site. thanks for the email

awww ty sweetie ,smiles
so yet again anotuher wonderfull boring day in the life that is me, i did sod all today i just hooked up a scanner and talked to yazmin all day ,thats all i did had a shower foud an old old old old old top like god knwos how old shortys green t, nicly irond and warm fromt he tumble dryer had to put it...
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well, im gonan put a SG banner on my palace (,dowloads,
so hopefully illg et some poitns and get more hits for the site if any one wants to know moe about palace be happy to help just ask, asl im hugnry.....wonders off
so hopefully illg et some poitns and get more hits for the site if any one wants to know moe about palace be happy to help just ask, asl im hugnry.....wonders off
lol its alright coudl of said somthign more thho but never mind
have fun trying to pimp up some points!