THANK YOU! to whatever anonymous being decided to reactivate my account for three months! I have no idea who you are or might be - but you ought to let me know who you are. Thanks!!
The summer I turned 17, my family rented a townhouse in Cape Canaveral,
Florida. It was 1998, the year of wildfires all throughout Central
Florida. When the fires reached Brevard county, you could smell the wood
smoke wafting through the glass doors and into the living room. I slept
most days until mid afternoon, avoiding as much of the sun as I could. I
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Did you forget about the diabetes group? frown please come check in w/ us we miss you...
that's a really cool post - you've got a great writing style smile
i drank diet vanilla coke for years for no other reason than it tasted like someone i didn't want to, yet could have had, a crush on. i don't know if it was (or is) a crush or not, because to this day, it remains a purposeful distance of arms length, and we knew each other for nearly four years before we even exchanged phone...
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oh my oh my
i'm having a hard time unsticking free will from pre-determined fate. I had a rather... intense spiritual experience the other night and I'm still kinda reeling from it. It's sort of like being punched in the gut.

blah, i'm beyond sad.
damn...i wish i knew what the hell you where talking about blush
Free will and pre-determined fate ride a very fine line. It's even worse if you throw someone else's free will into the mix. It's even less fun when it what you find out isn't what you wanted to hear. GL getting through it.
It's a beautiful day. Miles of endless gray sky. I've been drinking too much lately - more than I can normally stand, both in frequency and amount. This kinda scares me - everyone in my family is an alcholic, pretty much, and there are days I fear I'll end up going down the same road. School starting back up is a blessing, though, because distraction...
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Do what I did this year, turn off the "care" like a faucet. Life becomes easier.
He said, "I hate to tell you, but when we get married you're taking out your facial peircings"
I said, "We're not getting married if that's how you feel, and you don't TELL me what to do. "

I'm worth SO much more than that.
yes you are, what kind of bastard doesn't like a pierced hottie, haha
I am now officially unemployed. This makes me a saaaaaaaaaaaaad panda. frown

Seriously... what the hell do you do with yourself when you dont have a job to go to? I have three weeks free until school starts. This is unnerving. I know. BOOKS! lots of books.
Congrats on your loss and feeling better....its great isnt it?
Well, I have been unemployed for awhile, and now I will tell you your best options are more internet, sex, video games, and hanging out with other jobless bums or people with wierd work schedules
If you could marry hair colour, I'd marry this colour pulse stuff. Bold, bright, AND washable. It simply doesn't GET anymore sexy.

Well, yes it does. Wawa's iced coffee is sexier, but only because it doesn't know it.

The dye? It KNOWS, man, it KNOWS.
I put in my two weeks notice at work today. Finally. Now, don't get me wrong. I love my job. I mean, really, really love my job. It's nothing important or interesting or related to what I want to do with my life. I have some fantastic coworkers though, who make it totally worth it to get out of bed and come in. I've never...
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Clearly, I'm not very good at this blogging thing, nor at keeping any profiles of any sort up to date, but I do enjoy pretending to try no less.

I recently had a small accident with some hair dye which resulted in bright pink hair. I was almost upset about it for about three seconds, thinking I was "too old for this sort of thing"...
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I think it's impossible to die with absolutely no regrets. My life has been full of them. I figure the best I can do is not make new regrets, but even that gets increasingly difficult. You just can't worry about it, though. You have to live life, regrets or not. And, please, 24 is not a mid-life crisis. You're making me feel old!