Page McBee
Michelle Tea
888 Valencia
I think that's all you need to know.
PHOTOBLOG! (all things painting) (I just installed my fancy schmancy student version of pre-apologies if these things are sized all funny) (okay, they're normal sized now)
* I painted my 1974 Vespa Primavera this spring through a class at CCSF. It used to be matte military green with black accents (you can kinda see it in the background of one of my tire-changing photos) and now it's pearly apple green with white accents. And yes, it is indoors (don't mind the crap on the floor). And yes, this is tragic, but I do not have an alternative right now.
* Ever since school let out and I actually have time to pursue hobbies, I've been going to figure painting sessions at this dude-I-sometimes-work-for's studio. It's nice to be on the other side of the stand for once. I did a lot of figure drawing in college, but the few experiences I had with figure /painting/ were extremely frustrating. But this has been fun; because I went into it with such low expectations, I think I've ended up having a fair amount of beginners luck. I'm working on wood cause it's free and painting with acrylics cause they dry fast enough that I can put the painting on the back of my scooter after I'm done. I'm learning a lot about seeing, about how deceptive our vision can be.
And that, my friends, is life.