Ugh, shit weekend... Spent most of it doing assignments for 'Genomics & Bioinformatics' and 'Research, Development, and Commercialisation'... All done now and the best news is that these are the last 2 assignments for my degree EVER!!! I got 3 exams left, then a 6 week lab project and write up and I am all done!!
I went to my cousins 18th birthday last night... It was only slightly less fun than staying at home and doing the aforementioned assignments. She's a nice girl and all, but her friends... Wankers...We're out at dinner at a fancy restaurant and one of them is wearing a baseball cap, his friend is wearing sunglasses. This is at the dinner table, at the nice restaurant, at 9:00 at night... They talked about cars and how 'sick' Blink 182 are.... Oh and one of them had a tattoo of barb wire armband that he was showing off and he said 'Check it out 2 whole hours on non-stop pain'.. I contemplated rolling up my sleeves, but I decided better of it..
Oh yeah one of them was the most morbidly obese chunk of shit I've ever seen....
Alicia Keys is in Brisbane, I saw her signing cds today at HMV, but didn't bother investigating any further because:
a) I'm not exactly an Alicia Keys fan
b) the line was too long
c) I didn't have my camera on me...
I'm only mentioning it because celebrity sightings are quite rare here...
What else.... I was working on one of the assignments at a friends house and he had Guns n' Roses playing as we worked... I hadnt' heard some of the songs in like, 10 years, so I copied them to my ipod, just for sentimental value and my own amusement. Anyway I was listening to it on the train on the way home and this quite attractive young woman sitting across from me was smiling and shaking her head at me.
I take out my earphones and inquire 'what?' in a friendly, polite, almost comical tone. She kept shaking her head and simply said 'November Rain'.......
I went to my cousins 18th birthday last night... It was only slightly less fun than staying at home and doing the aforementioned assignments. She's a nice girl and all, but her friends... Wankers...We're out at dinner at a fancy restaurant and one of them is wearing a baseball cap, his friend is wearing sunglasses. This is at the dinner table, at the nice restaurant, at 9:00 at night... They talked about cars and how 'sick' Blink 182 are.... Oh and one of them had a tattoo of barb wire armband that he was showing off and he said 'Check it out 2 whole hours on non-stop pain'.. I contemplated rolling up my sleeves, but I decided better of it..
Oh yeah one of them was the most morbidly obese chunk of shit I've ever seen....
Alicia Keys is in Brisbane, I saw her signing cds today at HMV, but didn't bother investigating any further because:
a) I'm not exactly an Alicia Keys fan
b) the line was too long
c) I didn't have my camera on me...
I'm only mentioning it because celebrity sightings are quite rare here...
What else.... I was working on one of the assignments at a friends house and he had Guns n' Roses playing as we worked... I hadnt' heard some of the songs in like, 10 years, so I copied them to my ipod, just for sentimental value and my own amusement. Anyway I was listening to it on the train on the way home and this quite attractive young woman sitting across from me was smiling and shaking her head at me.
I take out my earphones and inquire 'what?' in a friendly, polite, almost comical tone. She kept shaking her head and simply said 'November Rain'.......

Anyway, I MUST see that movie!! And my vet is not shifty...or maybe that's what he wants me to think...Dun dun DUUUN!