Today, being my last day @ work until next Thursday, I will be showing up a few hours late and leaving a few a hours early. Because I feel like it

It's totally fine to not like your co-workers. It's not that I dislike them, I just wouldn't hang with them outside of work. Seeing them 40 hours a week is enough. That is why...
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the weekends box scores made me so sick I haven't kept my lunch down

either the end of the world or the worst snow storm ever to hit the east coast is coming. how else do you explain 60 dergee weather on Dec 18th?

I'm also sure that the ISO comes and audits my work facility during the week before x-mas. those heartless bastards

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an old addiction has come back to haunt me

pokerstars you are my bitch lover!!

I finally finished the magnets! after two straight days of work, my hockey standings and schedule board is now complete. it was a big job but what else am I gonna do after work besides rot in from of my monitor losing my bankroll on pokerstars or surfing the web?

Lola came home from work monday with a ton of congrats balloons! she showed off...
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Well now I love EEEEEEEEEE EEEEven MORE!
it's pretty cool to get engaged @ Rockafeller Center in front of the x-mas tree.

it's even cooler to have a ton of New Yorkers and tourists stop, get silent and cheer when she says 'yes'

cooler than that are all the phone calls and hand shakes of congrats from friends and family afterward

and the coolest of cool are all the free meals from...
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congrats! That's just beautiful. What a lucky girl. I wish you both the best smile
do you like movies about gladiators??3

five hole or glove side?

five hole

did or will you go to your high school reuinon?

I will biggrin

do you like movies about gladiators?

I do smile
yes yes indeed girls do have vaginas. ooo thats a lovely ring!!! youd better tell me how it goes!!
No kidding! Instead of giving out candy canes I think we should give out Ativan or Xanax. Then everyone will have a holly Jolly Christmas! biggrin
so you blink and the weekend is all over and you're back at your desk monday morning

last nite I went to sleep with a horrible fact on my mind...the islanders spanked us and are now in first place. to any islander fans, it's been a looooong time since you could say that. enjoy it while it lasts. you fall like always

there my rant...
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"the ring" what is this ring you speak of? i must know! and yes burnt cookies are better than none at all. and your little hypno thingy at the top of your page worked. i took my shrit off right at my desk. and got a promotion. thank you
I intend to wear that skirt to the club. It's a goth club where there are girl that walk around in panties and bandaided nipples lol... so that's gonna look tame compared to them. You know you like it. ;-)

today is cyber monday. the busiest day for online shopping. since all of my shopping is finished, I don't plan on making a purchase but maybe I'll get myself something nice

we put up our fake tree and the cats think it's some sort of jungle gym just for them. they must love being sprayed with water

lately I''ve been such a wuss. I have...
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Have you made the move yet? I'd gather you were in the process, as you haven't been online for a while.

Wish I'd have thought of it, I would have recommended you AVOID the Hoover Dam. You'll have plently of chances to see it, no point in trying to drive over it and having the security hassles. There's a way to cross the Colorado River at Bullhead City and Laughlin, but honestly, you would be much better off taking I40 into California and turning off at the exit a little ways past Needles that goes through Searchlight to Las Vegas. I think it's called I93 at that point.

The dam is a bitch with a moving van, even before 9/11. I was having a heart attack driving through those twists and turns.
kisses for you!! xoxoxoxo......