It was harder than I thought, but I think I arranged a great conclusion to my graduate years. In fact I feel great satisfaction.
All during my research I have had one great undergrad helper in the lab. When I dragged my ass in after days of field collecting, I could count on her to preserve and store all the materials. She also learned all the techniques while shadowing me during extractions, purifications, pcr, gels, data analysis, etc. I have not had enough funding to pay her during all of the time and she has volunteered to learn.
She contributed some great project ideas and has been a good drinking partner as we sorted out details. So, I'm turning all of the data for the project over to her and a rough draft of my thesis. I will take my Masters by schedule B and the best part is that she will be accepted into the lab as an undergrad to finish up the work. Actually, the best part is that this almost certainly guarantees her acceptance into the graduate program. The research is in good hands and my grad advisor says that if she extends the research beyond what we've already done, she can earn a Masters as well.
Ciao, Baby!
All during my research I have had one great undergrad helper in the lab. When I dragged my ass in after days of field collecting, I could count on her to preserve and store all the materials. She also learned all the techniques while shadowing me during extractions, purifications, pcr, gels, data analysis, etc. I have not had enough funding to pay her during all of the time and she has volunteered to learn.
She contributed some great project ideas and has been a good drinking partner as we sorted out details. So, I'm turning all of the data for the project over to her and a rough draft of my thesis. I will take my Masters by schedule B and the best part is that she will be accepted into the lab as an undergrad to finish up the work. Actually, the best part is that this almost certainly guarantees her acceptance into the graduate program. The research is in good hands and my grad advisor says that if she extends the research beyond what we've already done, she can earn a Masters as well.
Ciao, Baby!
And to finally answer your question, yes I check me email. That was totally funny.
Sorry I've been so aloof. Finals