Saw Walk the Line last night, it was incredible. Cash is cool, personified. Not that he wasn't a prick, but, hey, thats all part of the appeal. Its a story of redemption.
So after the movie I immediately started drinking and smoking. It took me a while to lose the drawl I picked up idolizing Johnny Cash for 2 1/2 hours.
In my endurance race of social achievement, I've been meeting new people and enjoying whatever comes up. Most people are tolerable if you just relax and give up expectation, the little man in my head tells me. I still find most people tedious, but in the long run that just makes me feel judgemental and mean. If I keep holding out, hoping for a circle of friends jsut like the ones I used to know, then I'll probably be waiting for the rest of my life. New places, new challenges. Sure, I've been living here for 4 years, but only this past year have I been acutely aware I've been alone that whole time.
Strange, no?
On lighter notes, my big web project got killed at the last second, but I still get paid. Hoooray!!
I'm buying origami books and plan on making handmade gifts for friends (when I have some
) and family. I love me some origami boxes.
Going to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire tonight. Another big thrill.
I've been mistaken for a 24 year old twice in the past couple days. People seeem shocked that I'm 31. But trust me, never nearly as shocked as I am
. I guess I'm lucky, but its bound to catch up. I am growing my hair out, its in a really awkward state right now, kinda bell shaped as it grows past my ears. Perhaps I should just get a trim, a reshaping, but I HATE getting my hair cut. It never looks quite right and its so difficult to imagine what it will look like, Long hair = RARE hair cuts, consistent look, no hair products, and, well, I like my hair. Its fine and straight, so it gets touched a lot.
So after the movie I immediately started drinking and smoking. It took me a while to lose the drawl I picked up idolizing Johnny Cash for 2 1/2 hours.
In my endurance race of social achievement, I've been meeting new people and enjoying whatever comes up. Most people are tolerable if you just relax and give up expectation, the little man in my head tells me. I still find most people tedious, but in the long run that just makes me feel judgemental and mean. If I keep holding out, hoping for a circle of friends jsut like the ones I used to know, then I'll probably be waiting for the rest of my life. New places, new challenges. Sure, I've been living here for 4 years, but only this past year have I been acutely aware I've been alone that whole time.
Strange, no?
On lighter notes, my big web project got killed at the last second, but I still get paid. Hoooray!!
I'm buying origami books and plan on making handmade gifts for friends (when I have some

Going to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire tonight. Another big thrill.
I've been mistaken for a 24 year old twice in the past couple days. People seeem shocked that I'm 31. But trust me, never nearly as shocked as I am

make me a orgami box.