How free is a bird?

Maybe I'm getting old. Are birds as free as our imaginations like them to believe? Do they spend their day in worry, looking constantly for food, mates, predators, and materials to make their nests from?

How often do you feel free as a bird? how do you decide that, yes, I am as free as a bird right now? A...
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happy birthday !!!
I had a date a little over a week ago. Probably the third "date" I've ever been on. And, not to be all gushy and gooey and all, but it was superfuckingamazingawesomeradblownawaybadass. I like that word, I think I'll keep it.

superfuckingamazingawesomeradblownawaybadass (tm).

not to be confused with stupidfuckincallousfrigidlickyourmotherstoeses (say it out loud). I own that one too (tm).

Other than that, everything is...
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Waking sleep again....

My roommate/best friend is moving to Seattle on Friday. I need to get a new roommate and some new friends frown

I hate talking about what I'm going to do because I jinx myself, perhaps, into not doing it. I could go on and on about how I want to be a horticulturist and I'm seriously thinking about really going to college this...
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thank dog that is over.

christmas is not a season. winter is a season. spring is a season. that always pisses me off.

happy holidays. what? all of them? can I say that for thanksgiving or easter? or is it just because there are so many so close together that its implied that its just these few?

I'll send out an apology to all those...
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I'll start this song without any words....

I'm sorry, but I just want to blow you away. I want to blow myself away. Now is the time for you to call me on that. Make me see that YOU are me, and I want to conquer you as I want to conquer myself. Free me. Someone just see that. See the me that I am...
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I hear you.

once there was a thing of Play-Doh that stuck around unused for so long, it began to form large crystals of some apparently saltlike substance. and the crystals were removed and used as decorative objects throughout one's house. and lo, the hermitage was good.
I realize the most fun I have posting is when I put it like a list of quotes from smart people. Maybe I feel smarter for it, though they are mostly just vagaries. (url added cause I had to look it up)

Small pleasures to be sure...

Been slowly swirling around the drain. Can't say I haven't enjoyed the ride.

Funny thing about desperation,...
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Ok, update time...

Since I'm still riffing on my car, I'll pick it up from there. It still runs, still won't go further than 10 miles, no news there. I tried to get a loan to get a new car (subaru outback) and that was a no go. I have 0 to no credit (except a electric bill from Portland in 2000) and they 'don't...
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