oh my god! I am sooo sorry for you. message me if you need to talk! hugs and love <3
how cooking can change your life
ultimately my only real goal in this life is to reach out to achieve and fulfill my full potential. Then to elevate every one else with me.
I would compare my life to being in the middle of a lake on a boat with no oars or a canoe with no paddle. people come around and ask me if I need help and I say that I need oars. People send over sandwiches, books, and blankets. Then they complain about me being so far away, not making progress and not being grateful...
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Interesting that RAMH blog is back up. You might want to prod her if she wants anything off the site.
I understand. Some people deal with their personal emotional isolation by shutting down and doing nothing, some people do what I do... I isolate myself physically. I make sure I'm so busy I never have time to stop and think about how disappointed I am in the life I'm currently living, how boring and bland... How unfulfilled my relationships have been and how disconnected I feel. :/ I don't even know how to ask for help, so I just keep going, keep smiling, keep pretending... maybe someday it'll be real. Fake it until you make it is my motto...