Monday Apr 26, 2004 Apr 26, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email get your game on. VIEW 11 of 11 COMMENTS kestrel: Pfft, I turn down friend requests daily. They're overrated. And why not embarrass them on iSketch? CaseLogic is my best friend in real life, and he blows at iSketch. I make him feel inadequate on a regular basis. Ahh, friendship. Apr 27, 2004 caselogic: I couldn't help but overhear (see?) you say that Kes has nothing on me. HA HA! Silly mortal, do you KNOW who I am? I'm Kes, but better! And male! It's okay though, amateur mistake... Just remember, CaseLogic > Kes Apr 27, 2004
And why not embarrass them on iSketch? CaseLogic is my best friend in real life, and he blows at iSketch. I make him feel inadequate on a regular basis. Ahh, friendship.
It's okay though, amateur mistake... Just remember, CaseLogic > Kes