How much does it suck when you find a person who seems to be exactly what you've been looking for, and then realize that they are going completely out of their way to avoid you?
A lot.
No offense meant, guys, but this is why I was concentrating on women. Somehow, I feel like most women would have the decency to at least let you know if they're not interested, instead of opting for the avoidance tactic.
Note to self: No more sleeping with guys before I actually get to know them.
A lot.
No offense meant, guys, but this is why I was concentrating on women. Somehow, I feel like most women would have the decency to at least let you know if they're not interested, instead of opting for the avoidance tactic.
Note to self: No more sleeping with guys before I actually get to know them.
I'm not saying you have a future with this dude. But in my younger years i would sleep with a girl and then totally go AWOL. I didn't even know why i was doing it. But i would jump fences to avoid running into her again!
Pretty fucking stupid on my behalf. And i missed out on a chance of having a relationship with some seriously awesome ladies.
Luckily for me, i'm seeing a cool girl now and i totally get it.
Good luck...