Through water and fire. From the lowest dungeon to the highest peak, I fought the Beast. Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
No matter how many memories my ex-girlfriend ruins, no matter how much I hate myself for no reason over her, no matter that I've completely given up on girls completely, The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers still totally rules me. It's one of the movies we got super geeked over and watched at 12 midnight with all the dorks. And it plows me over just like it did then. The last march of the Ents. Gandalf showing up on the mountain, and the first light of day. Fuck yes. Goosebumps. Goosebumps all over again.
Dont have too many friends
Never felt at home
Always been my own man
Pretty much alone
I know how to get through
And when push comes to shove
I got something that you need
I got the love
Love of the loveless
I had guests, guests galore here over the weekend.
BillHaverchuck was the first to arrive and the first to depart. He stole all my video game systems and nearly killed himself on my basement stairway. I will see him at East Coast Camping, where I will set him on fire as we jump the fire pit.
And the woman of the hour, one Margot_Dent took off early, early, early Tuesday morning. The very reason anything fun happened at all this weekend is all because of this gal.
I took that picture. It's the best thing I have ever done, and it's mainly because she's stoopid photogenic.
I love those two, a whole bunch. I know I suck and they'll never come here again, but if they're ever trapped in Brooklyn, they always have a place here. I was so incredibly terrified of them coming here. And they showed me the kind of fool I am by being totally cool and polite and wonderful. I love those two, a whole bunch.
All in all, I had a good five days, if not hectic. I didn't really hang out with my guests much, because of work. Work being Urban Outfitters. I keep getting the creeping feeling I'm going to be fired any moment now. Which would be a shame because there's this totally gorgeous girl who is really nice to me and quite cool. She's 18 years old, which makes her way too young for me, but still. A man can dream.
Silly old bear...
No matter how many memories my ex-girlfriend ruins, no matter how much I hate myself for no reason over her, no matter that I've completely given up on girls completely, The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers still totally rules me. It's one of the movies we got super geeked over and watched at 12 midnight with all the dorks. And it plows me over just like it did then. The last march of the Ents. Gandalf showing up on the mountain, and the first light of day. Fuck yes. Goosebumps. Goosebumps all over again.
Dont have too many friends
Never felt at home
Always been my own man
Pretty much alone
I know how to get through
And when push comes to shove
I got something that you need
I got the love
Love of the loveless
I had guests, guests galore here over the weekend.
BillHaverchuck was the first to arrive and the first to depart. He stole all my video game systems and nearly killed himself on my basement stairway. I will see him at East Coast Camping, where I will set him on fire as we jump the fire pit.
And the woman of the hour, one Margot_Dent took off early, early, early Tuesday morning. The very reason anything fun happened at all this weekend is all because of this gal.
I took that picture. It's the best thing I have ever done, and it's mainly because she's stoopid photogenic.
I love those two, a whole bunch. I know I suck and they'll never come here again, but if they're ever trapped in Brooklyn, they always have a place here. I was so incredibly terrified of them coming here. And they showed me the kind of fool I am by being totally cool and polite and wonderful. I love those two, a whole bunch.
All in all, I had a good five days, if not hectic. I didn't really hang out with my guests much, because of work. Work being Urban Outfitters. I keep getting the creeping feeling I'm going to be fired any moment now. Which would be a shame because there's this totally gorgeous girl who is really nice to me and quite cool. She's 18 years old, which makes her way too young for me, but still. A man can dream.
Silly old bear...
I would be very happy if I found out that This guy was your alter ego. Dunno why, just seems like it would fit.
you are starting to scare me!! i am SO fuckign stoned right now.... ohmygod.