Wow, over a year since my first blog post with only 1 update in between. Just been busy at school. "Finished" a javascript project by giving up and turning what I had in. Now I am debating sleep vs staying up the 5 hours.
I have a love hate relationship with this tag system. On the one hand, it makes searching for some sets much easier, on the other hand, some people tag like they were perverted 5 year olds. What the hell is a "tit fuck fiesta" and is it sooo hard to understand the quote system to not break up your tag?
I totally agree.
Some of the tags are downright nasty.
It wouldn't bother me too much if they were dropped....
Heh well Lenox, that may be one of the few times a SG has added someone to their friend list BEFORE they were asked.
yeah, so I cant even keep my LJ updated regularly. Let alone this. If something profound happens, maybe I'll post it here.