so i havent written in here for forever, and im sick of looking at a blog from '07 about a lame ex boyfriend lol. not that i really have anything exciting to im just going to leave my self a little bit of advice in the form of a definition (from urban ^_^):
platonic (\pl-t-nik, pl-\ ) adj.:
To love someone in an "I don't want to do you" kind of way.
1) An emotionally and socially, but not sexually, involved relationship.
2) Nowadays, often a term for a friendship between a man and a woman which doesn't include a sexual element.
3) A friendship that lasts for as long as it takes for some twats to establish rumours about how the man wants to have off with the woman.
Platonic relationships often don't work because people become hellbent on ending them, on the assumption that they don't work, or because they are just jealous.
platonic (\pl-t-nik, pl-\ ) adj.:
To love someone in an "I don't want to do you" kind of way.
1) An emotionally and socially, but not sexually, involved relationship.
2) Nowadays, often a term for a friendship between a man and a woman which doesn't include a sexual element.
3) A friendship that lasts for as long as it takes for some twats to establish rumours about how the man wants to have off with the woman.
Platonic relationships often don't work because people become hellbent on ending them, on the assumption that they don't work, or because they are just jealous.
i <3 urbandictionary and i <3 this blog post. haha. one more thing: i <3 the fact that you are coming here in a month!