It's been six weeks since I've had a drop of alcohol. It's been a really great thing for me, but especially for my lover, and our relationship has really evolved in that time in a good way. Partying is fun and all, but I'm ready to do more constructive things with my life like build a community and have a baby (someday
) and I think I've found the person I want to do those things with
I've also been a lot more focused of late on my relationship to the spirit world, especially plant spirits and I look forward to continuing to develop the skills to communicate with those beings on a heart level. It's so beautiful here and it's finally warming up, I had really missed my time out in nature this winter when it was so bitterly cold. I'm leaving soon and I'll be living in a tent for a few months, then when we get back I think I'll be sleeping outside on the deck and in the yurt a lot through the warm weather. Also, I'll be bathing in the stream every morning as soon as it's warm enough. I don't know when I've been happier with the direction my life is going...

I've also been a lot more focused of late on my relationship to the spirit world, especially plant spirits and I look forward to continuing to develop the skills to communicate with those beings on a heart level. It's so beautiful here and it's finally warming up, I had really missed my time out in nature this winter when it was so bitterly cold. I'm leaving soon and I'll be living in a tent for a few months, then when we get back I think I'll be sleeping outside on the deck and in the yurt a lot through the warm weather. Also, I'll be bathing in the stream every morning as soon as it's warm enough. I don't know when I've been happier with the direction my life is going...
^* hey you! I moved up coal creek a bit. no cell service here but call when you are around anyway and i will show you around!
happy birthday