Happy Solstice, full moon, and less importantly to me Christmas! I took some really neat pictures of the mountains behind my house the other day, they're called the Sangre De Cristos because every night they turn bright red. Also, I got a nice sunset pic off towards the San Juans.
I got a really nice Mel Pardue butterfly knife for solstice (romantic, huh?). I think that I'm going to camp at Valley View hotsprings for New Years, which will be cold but amazing. I'm finishing up some curtains for the bedroom today, since I didn't have to work. I do actually have to work a few hours tomorrow, but then I'm going over to some friends for a Christmas day potluck. We're bringing Apple Wine we just bottled, yummy! Well, hope everyone has a good holiday. I can't wait until 2008!

I got a really nice Mel Pardue butterfly knife for solstice (romantic, huh?). I think that I'm going to camp at Valley View hotsprings for New Years, which will be cold but amazing. I'm finishing up some curtains for the bedroom today, since I didn't have to work. I do actually have to work a few hours tomorrow, but then I'm going over to some friends for a Christmas day potluck. We're bringing Apple Wine we just bottled, yummy! Well, hope everyone has a good holiday. I can't wait until 2008!

happy holidaze!
you remind me of my desire to make some sweet cherry wine next season. my friend andrew did and it is amazing.
i love bing cherries and they're even better when they're slightly alcoholic.
i've been knitting quite a bit because it's what people need right now. i've got three hats, two pair of gloves and one pair of socks in the pipe right now. woot!
enjoy the knife, too. i think i might be getting a spoon knife for myself. that or a long condenser, i haven't decided which.