Living in Golden has it's advantages, smart engineer boys are helping me do things to my car like connect an auxilary jack to my stereo so I can plug my ipod straight in. Also in the works, junk yard diving!
I'm housesitting for my parents again next week, which means my commute is going to be about an hour, ughhh
I will make money, though, and that is always helpful. I'm also only working a 4-day week which will be nice, plus I'll get to hang out with my fuzzy little man (moose the cat) all week.
I'm leaving in about 3 weeks. I have my itinerary all planned out now, I'm going to pilgrimage through the SW on my way to S. Cali, then north up the coast. I'll hit at least 3 hot springs on the way, as well as probably stop to see the grand canyon. I just bought a laptop, so i"ll be updating my journal with photos of my trip. I can't wait to go, I'm getting antsy
I'll miss everyone! Come to my going away party Sat Sep. 8, party time, in Golden.
I'm housesitting for my parents again next week, which means my commute is going to be about an hour, ughhh

I'm leaving in about 3 weeks. I have my itinerary all planned out now, I'm going to pilgrimage through the SW on my way to S. Cali, then north up the coast. I'll hit at least 3 hot springs on the way, as well as probably stop to see the grand canyon. I just bought a laptop, so i"ll be updating my journal with photos of my trip. I can't wait to go, I'm getting antsy

I'll miss everyone! Come to my going away party Sat Sep. 8, party time, in Golden.

so i will say hello.
enjoy the trip and let us all know if it's well worth the effort!