We just finished moving out of our old apartment in Boulder and into Madscience's house in Golden. Moving fucking sucks
Luckily we're done with it for now. I'll be leaving in about 4 weeks for the west coast, so it is really only temporary housing for me, but I'm having lots of fun with the engineering boys!
Moose the cat is staying with my parents, thank Jebus, so I don't have to worry about him, and Snowy found a home with Silvercharmer, so she is being well taken care of. Now I can leave here without feeling like I'm abandoning my babies.
My car is happy, I just got a few little things fixed, and now she runs like a charm. I also love ankiel66's new car, it's absolutely adorable.
Well, that's an update of sorts. Look out for an upcoming going-away party in Golden. Hopefully the cops won't come to this one...

Moose the cat is staying with my parents, thank Jebus, so I don't have to worry about him, and Snowy found a home with Silvercharmer, so she is being well taken care of. Now I can leave here without feeling like I'm abandoning my babies.
My car is happy, I just got a few little things fixed, and now she runs like a charm. I also love ankiel66's new car, it's absolutely adorable.
Well, that's an update of sorts. Look out for an upcoming going-away party in Golden. Hopefully the cops won't come to this one...
Maybe if those boys would stop blowing shit up...