Wow. It's been a mad two weeks.
My Dad has been having surgery for cancer of a vertebrae in addition to already having prostrate cancer for a number of years. I'm in the UK whilst he is in a Mayo clinic in Rochester Minnesota having intensive surgery.
It looked pretty bad for a while as after having his spine scraped out, they had to take out a rib and parts of other ribs, but now he is the 6 million dollar man and has two nine inch pins holding his spine in place and screws and whatnot holding all the bits together. My sister says that a doctor said that the two doctors performing surgery on him at the same time could touch hands through his back at one point. Jeez.
Then he caught pneumonia from being on feeders and a respirator. Then they had to thin his blood because he started developing bloodclots from the surgery. But, luckilly, he seems to be pulling through. Today, he stood up for the first time in nearly a fortnight. My spies (sisters) say that he is looking better and even harassing the nurses about whether they are married or Catholic (his sense of humour seems to fixate on religious affiliations.) I guess that the Irish are made of sturdy stuff.
So I'm sending out my good thoughts to him. You could call it praying, but as I'm an athiest, I'm just calling it positive energy! If any of you pray... then pray for my Dad. If any of you don't, then send out that good energy or well wishes.
I love this site, so I hope it's cool to occasionally bum you all out with the nitty-gritty of my life's up and downs. But, thinking positve and pressing on! Peace.
My Dad has been having surgery for cancer of a vertebrae in addition to already having prostrate cancer for a number of years. I'm in the UK whilst he is in a Mayo clinic in Rochester Minnesota having intensive surgery.
It looked pretty bad for a while as after having his spine scraped out, they had to take out a rib and parts of other ribs, but now he is the 6 million dollar man and has two nine inch pins holding his spine in place and screws and whatnot holding all the bits together. My sister says that a doctor said that the two doctors performing surgery on him at the same time could touch hands through his back at one point. Jeez.
Then he caught pneumonia from being on feeders and a respirator. Then they had to thin his blood because he started developing bloodclots from the surgery. But, luckilly, he seems to be pulling through. Today, he stood up for the first time in nearly a fortnight. My spies (sisters) say that he is looking better and even harassing the nurses about whether they are married or Catholic (his sense of humour seems to fixate on religious affiliations.) I guess that the Irish are made of sturdy stuff.
So I'm sending out my good thoughts to him. You could call it praying, but as I'm an athiest, I'm just calling it positive energy! If any of you pray... then pray for my Dad. If any of you don't, then send out that good energy or well wishes.
I love this site, so I hope it's cool to occasionally bum you all out with the nitty-gritty of my life's up and downs. But, thinking positve and pressing on! Peace.
