What an awesome birthday night out... thank you so much to all who came... it was ace!

[EDIT: For some reason it's cutting some of you off the end on this pic.. sorry!]
I was fed rum and shots from fairly early on, and being a proper lightweight I got drunk really quite early! As Causy quite rightly pointed out, this photo shows how drunk I was... in the first bar.. after about an hour or something...

Thanks to all of you who bought me drinks all night, I don't remember going to the bar at all... but then there are fairly large gaps in my memory in general about that night!
I wasn't expecting to get presents, but I did...

Yes that is the Die Hard novel... yes RhinosAreDinos buys amazing presents!
As does everyone else awesome enough to get me something! I fear the bottle of Sailor Jerry's from mark_plus_beer won't be sealed for very long! There were also freshly baked cookies made by mentalrage 
Only sucky thing was that Killa_ and damianomatic couldn't make it
I've not been to many SGUK meets recently I plan plan to rectify that, I always have such fun on them... so I shall be going to more!
In other news...
*_thunder_ and I make frigging tasty food together! we made fresh pepperoni, chorizo & mushroom pizza and chocolate cherry cake the other weekend... both beyond NOM!
We also watched They Live and some zombieness!
*I've been getting the itch to bugger off for another few months again... not sure how much longer I can fight it... or why I should! Have some more US plans for next year, just not sure I can wait that long!
*I now have an iphone... I'm not sure if I like with being permanently plugged in to the internet... but I'm sure I'll cope!
*I've been feeling a bit down on myself recently, that's not been helped by a certain few people, but I've decided I don't care
Not gonna let people bring me down anymore man!
*You all rock...
...that is all x

[EDIT: For some reason it's cutting some of you off the end on this pic.. sorry!]
I was fed rum and shots from fairly early on, and being a proper lightweight I got drunk really quite early! As Causy quite rightly pointed out, this photo shows how drunk I was... in the first bar.. after about an hour or something...

Thanks to all of you who bought me drinks all night, I don't remember going to the bar at all... but then there are fairly large gaps in my memory in general about that night!

I wasn't expecting to get presents, but I did...

Yes that is the Die Hard novel... yes RhinosAreDinos buys amazing presents!

Only sucky thing was that Killa_ and damianomatic couldn't make it

I've not been to many SGUK meets recently I plan plan to rectify that, I always have such fun on them... so I shall be going to more!
In other news...
*_thunder_ and I make frigging tasty food together! we made fresh pepperoni, chorizo & mushroom pizza and chocolate cherry cake the other weekend... both beyond NOM!

*I've been getting the itch to bugger off for another few months again... not sure how much longer I can fight it... or why I should! Have some more US plans for next year, just not sure I can wait that long!
*I now have an iphone... I'm not sure if I like with being permanently plugged in to the internet... but I'm sure I'll cope!

*I've been feeling a bit down on myself recently, that's not been helped by a certain few people, but I've decided I don't care

*You all rock...
...that is all x

No, I meant the weekend of the 6th