I've not done a proper blog for aaaaages! I'm not sorry though... I've been busy!
This again will be a short one as I'm at a friend's house in London this weekend. I'll give you a quick run down of what I've been upto... really my routine still looks like this as ever... Work/write/eat/sleep or work/watch movies/eat/sleep ... I have managed to sqeeze in some other fun stuffs though. Will talk about my birthday when I can upload some pix.
Yersterday's jouney to London was a complete 'mare, delayed train, closed tube lines and me being a moron (I frigging hate the slpit Northern line!). But I did manage to grab coffee with a friend, then meet up with The Question and MrWIzzle with another friend at the Blues bar in Soho that I reeeeeeeally wanted to go to! The music was ace and the graffitti in the loo was better. My personal fave being "Alex, don't be gay. I love you!". I HAVE to go back there!!! I then headed with Si to meet Mark_Plus_Beer and Vortext for an amazing night of comedy! It's the first time I'd seen Daniel Kitson and Richard Herring live... they were fab! And as ever the wonderful Mr Stewart Lee was... well... wonderful!
Tonight will consist of more ace company and Wii games, tomorrow holds book shop browsing (again! I've just gotten into pulp novels. I LOVE what I've read so far!) and a local pub quiz... I may pop along to the blues bar again in the afternoon just to feed my blues obsession again! On Monday I'm having breakfast with another friend then of to meet inkedbeatnik for lunch, then alas, home. It seems that I have so many friends in London now that I can't posiblely see them all in one weekend for an decent amount of time! I missed hanging out with rdpixie which sucks a lot... we will hang out soon though.. WE WILL!
Right off to find food now... I'm out!
(Please excuse any spelling errors in this blog... I can't find neither word nor spell check on my friend's Macbook!)

Yersterday's jouney to London was a complete 'mare, delayed train, closed tube lines and me being a moron (I frigging hate the slpit Northern line!). But I did manage to grab coffee with a friend, then meet up with The Question and MrWIzzle with another friend at the Blues bar in Soho that I reeeeeeeally wanted to go to! The music was ace and the graffitti in the loo was better. My personal fave being "Alex, don't be gay. I love you!". I HAVE to go back there!!! I then headed with Si to meet Mark_Plus_Beer and Vortext for an amazing night of comedy! It's the first time I'd seen Daniel Kitson and Richard Herring live... they were fab! And as ever the wonderful Mr Stewart Lee was... well... wonderful!
Tonight will consist of more ace company and Wii games, tomorrow holds book shop browsing (again! I've just gotten into pulp novels. I LOVE what I've read so far!) and a local pub quiz... I may pop along to the blues bar again in the afternoon just to feed my blues obsession again! On Monday I'm having breakfast with another friend then of to meet inkedbeatnik for lunch, then alas, home. It seems that I have so many friends in London now that I can't posiblely see them all in one weekend for an decent amount of time! I missed hanging out with rdpixie which sucks a lot... we will hang out soon though.. WE WILL!
Right off to find food now... I'm out!
(Please excuse any spelling errors in this blog... I can't find neither word nor spell check on my friend's Macbook!)