Last night I watched the friends finale with my sister and her boyfriend bought us both a 6 pack of triple black [not with his own money granted...] So now I'm sittin with my hair in a towel wishing I was done with finals.
And I want to get the hell out of dodge before it becomes a swealtering 90 something degrees.
So yea, at least I'll have the boys to help me move out right?
oh man i just played SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH in random's voice [via his soundboard] and that fucking slut is still talking loudly at 1:14 in the morning and I have a final early.
what a fuckin stupid cunt!!!
Last night I watched the friends finale with my sister and her boyfriend bought us both a 6 pack of triple black [not with his own money granted...] So now I'm sittin with my hair in a towel wishing I was done with finals.
So yea, at least I'll have the boys to help me move out right?
oh man i just played SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH in random's voice [via his soundboard] and that fucking slut is still talking loudly at 1:14 in the morning and I have a final early.
what a fuckin stupid cunt!!!
that's funny...