Don't mess with this one:
Saw TOUCH OF EVIL again this weekend at the revival cinema. Fuck if Orson isn't so right on. I wanted to stay for THE LADY FROM SHANGHAI. I should have. I regret not staying. Dammit.
Met up with Itsalivemedia and Margot_Dent rather unexpectedly this weekend for a rooftop performance of late-seventies-sounding rock and roll. No dice. Not only did the man shut it down, but he also issued poor Margot a parking ticket. I drowned my disappointment in very salty french fries.
Work is getting out-of-control (ten hour days are turning into 14 hour days), but I'm trying to bear in mind my rapidly approaching exit from LA.
New word on the street: I may have a chance to work normal hours at Yahoo! in Chicago which would allow me to both (a) afford to live in Chicago and (b) have enough time during the morning and evening hours to do the writing, etc. I need to complete in order to get back into academia. To be continued.
This weekend I look forward to my first trip to San Fran and a performance from my own personal Wild Stallions: The Pixies.
My panties are all in a bundle.

Saw TOUCH OF EVIL again this weekend at the revival cinema. Fuck if Orson isn't so right on. I wanted to stay for THE LADY FROM SHANGHAI. I should have. I regret not staying. Dammit.
Met up with Itsalivemedia and Margot_Dent rather unexpectedly this weekend for a rooftop performance of late-seventies-sounding rock and roll. No dice. Not only did the man shut it down, but he also issued poor Margot a parking ticket. I drowned my disappointment in very salty french fries.
Work is getting out-of-control (ten hour days are turning into 14 hour days), but I'm trying to bear in mind my rapidly approaching exit from LA.
New word on the street: I may have a chance to work normal hours at Yahoo! in Chicago which would allow me to both (a) afford to live in Chicago and (b) have enough time during the morning and evening hours to do the writing, etc. I need to complete in order to get back into academia. To be continued.
This weekend I look forward to my first trip to San Fran and a performance from my own personal Wild Stallions: The Pixies.
My panties are all in a bundle.
where you at, kid?
Dude, where are you?