I've been so busy recently, I probably haven't had a day off in a month. Between working a full time job, a part time job, and shooting on all my days off, I'm practically working 3 jobs right now and it's exhausting. Exciting things are coming though! I should be shooting my first hopeful set this weekend and I can't wait for you all to...
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You're the best! :) So excited for your future endeavors!

So I need some pointers. This weekend I've volunteered to model for a good friend/former classmate/talented photographer in a nude/semi nude shoot and I'm super nervous! I've modeled in a lingerie shoot before but it was over a year ago and I'm typically behind the camera! I'm super excited because it's been something I've wanted to actually get into for a while now and I...
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You're so beautiful, I'm sure it turned out amazing. :) Can't wait to see the results! I'm sorry I totally forgot to ask how it went last time I saw you!

This will be a short list. It's just a personal list of things that calm me and make me happy,

1. Coffee. I read this article about the health benefits of coffee and it said that is you drink at least 3 cups a day it helps with anxiety and depression in females and I've definitely known that since I started drinking it in high...
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coffee makes it worse for me i feel like - is there a particular kind you drink? im looking for a solution because diet soda worsens my anxiety and i cant drink regular soda, and green tea upsets my stomach. the rest of the stuff on your list is stuff i swear by!! great list :)
@quitedark i think the time it takes to make any kind of tea is my favorite part of it :) something about drinking something you took time to put together just so feels good. rewarding almost.

I went to the music festival SummerFest here in Columbus recently and it was one of the best concerts I've ever been to! Glass Animals, Bear Hands, Matt & Kim, and Cake preformed and it was such a magical time. I spent the whole time with my boyfriend in the pitt, smoking and hiding in my hat. I'm not usually much for crowds but the...
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I can't wait to see how the Hopeful shoot turns out!