New doctor. New meds. New side effects. Blah.
The topamax was making me break out in hives, so they switched my anti-convulsive to Lyrica.. a new drug that I guess JUST got approved by the FDA to treat fibromyalgia. Side effects include, sleepiness, dizziness, swelling of hands and feet, feeling 'high', and weight gain.
Right now I'm not itching like I was with the topamax, but I am high as a kite. There is no way I'm going to be able to handle this shit twice daily. I feel like there are bugs crawling all over me, and my throat hurts.
I'm going to go make myself some herbal tea and play oblivion until I pass out.
New doctor. New meds. New side effects. Blah.
The topamax was making me break out in hives, so they switched my anti-convulsive to Lyrica.. a new drug that I guess JUST got approved by the FDA to treat fibromyalgia. Side effects include, sleepiness, dizziness, swelling of hands and feet, feeling 'high', and weight gain.
Right now I'm not itching like I was with the topamax, but I am high as a kite. There is no way I'm going to be able to handle this shit twice daily. I feel like there are bugs crawling all over me, and my throat hurts.
I'm going to go make myself some herbal tea and play oblivion until I pass out.