so things seem to just be getting worse, i guess that's how it goes in life before things get better, i'm just hoping there isn't any other way they can get worser.
i think we're on the track now to making this work, no more yelling no more hate, no more unhappiness...
i just need to stop being nit-picky in my life, seriously i really need to do this, because i always have been this way.
i'm ready to be happy forever, i'm going to quit making a big deal out of little things, because that doesn't make anyone happy, also using the word "hate" in general is bad, that's my april 13th resolution... i'm going to stick to it, before i cause myself to go crazy and lose everyone around me.
i just really want to be happy. so i'm going to be happy, that's final.
i think we're on the track now to making this work, no more yelling no more hate, no more unhappiness...
i just need to stop being nit-picky in my life, seriously i really need to do this, because i always have been this way.
i'm ready to be happy forever, i'm going to quit making a big deal out of little things, because that doesn't make anyone happy, also using the word "hate" in general is bad, that's my april 13th resolution... i'm going to stick to it, before i cause myself to go crazy and lose everyone around me.
i just really want to be happy. so i'm going to be happy, that's final.

Damn straight you're gonna be happy. Franchise will see to that...
all things must pass.
i sound like a damn hippie.
sometimes i write post-it-notes to myself with little quotes of inspiration or reflection. they don't solve my problems per se. but they help. i always keep a post-it-note up that says "start today" to remind that no matter how much i fuck up or how much things seem to bring me down, i can always start anew. (and it also reminds of the gorilla biscuits song - god, i am old). anyway.
chicago chicago.