"You sure you're working as hard as I am, 'cause I'm sweating spinal fluid here"
- In The Loop
A mere two years between entries isn't that bad, surely? Given that it's been a while I'm going to ease myself back in with a picture heavy general catch up.
The top five points worthy of note since I last frequented these parts:
"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything"
- Fight Club
Well then.
As is the tradition, I dug out my annual end-of-the-year-quiz and began filling it out. It was neither amusing or interesting, and to be fair, this is hardly suprising.
2008 will always be committed to memory as the year that I for both filed for bankruptcy and witnessed... Read More
"When man meets a force he can't destroy, he destroys himself. What a plague you are"
- 30 days of night
This was going to be a post about the significance of Mini E's birthday and the changes that have occured since we were last embarking on such celebrations. Tales of the triumphs against the odds, the amazing things that have happened, the disappointments I've... Read More
"English birds aren't complicated - you buy them a Bacardi Breezer and they'll ride you like Seabiscuit"
- Severance
My stress levels have decreased dramatically in the last week. This is almost one hundred percent related to the fact that my University application has been fully completed and sent. GONE. Out of my hands.
Now begins the waiting. Tick followed tock, followed tick, followed tock,... Read More
That does sound like a very interesting and specific course, where would you be studying that?
If you get the chance, just keep pushing your education until the powers that be tell you to stop. Thats my plan
I've always liked the environment, as a kid i use to read up about trees,insects, the oceans etc and i always watched the David Attenborough programs. When it came to deciding what i wanted to do at uni, it was an easy choice. The course is excellent and it's just starting to specialize more which is good. Next week i'm going to Millport for 5 days to do lab practicals on ecology and in feb im going to Portugal for a week to do more practicals, i can't wait
What do you plan to do once you've finished? research, teaching, job or more education?
Thanks for the lovely long comment and for all you said.
I hope student life is treating you well. I'm sure Nottingham will happen sometimes in the none too distant future so I shall let you know. Add me on evil facebook, would be good to keep in touch x
"Tea can do many things Jane, but it can't bring back the dead"
- Death at a Funeral
How is it that I am always so fucking busy and yet sit here and have absolutely cock all to say? Let's begin with cat related news and see how we get on....
Firstly, I'd like to address any cat owners on my friends list;
Hi, the name is in tribute to all the silly people who ask me really dumb questions when i'm working at the zoo, such as "why don't the penguins fly away" or "are rhinos dinosaurs" - these questions are by adults
I decided not to apply for the course because, it would cost me a small fortune, i couldn't really find a safe place to stay and my qualifications and scuba diving experience is limited compared to the rest of the applicants
However if i get the funding i might be going to Sri Lanka to study mangroves next summer
Congrats on getting your certificate and well done for getting 80%
"Way to spoil a villainous moment bug.... Now go get in the cartoonishly evil vehicle and DRIVE"
- The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland
Seriously. The most often uttered word in my kids vocabulary is "elmo", as in "please mummy can we watch that stupid high pitched fluffy red piece of shit puppet movie again today? I promise to stop wearing your shoes, hiding your... Read More
Cats are awesome. I don't think a person will ever appreciate cats until they actually own one. If you do get a cat, I'd suggest getting a boy. They tend to be more laid back (if you get them castrated). Girls are really temprimental.
Those, such as yourself, who fall into both catagories don't need to queue at all..
Facebook is evil- it made me feel violated. And not in a good way.
I believe it's possible to be a cat and dog person.. I am. I used to have two of each and I would again if I didn't have to slave for twelve hours a day for The Man.
2) This is why you have it so much harder. Maths? No reading. Everything else? Reading.
3) I can't believe she's four. I mean, I remember earlier blogs. That's amazing.
4) Interrailing? That'll be awesome. Jealous.
5) I have a cat. Technically my housemates, but he loves me more than my housemate.
I am still in London, have a beard now, and am doing a second degree. Live continues averagely.