Yay!!! Suicide gals at emo's tonight. If everything goes right i should get my smelly sewer line fixed, get my calves finished, and have a great night. Cheers all
Just got back from NOLA and boy is my liver tired. Saw Peelander Z and they are fucking hillarious. Ny little unplanned trip unfortunately did not allow me the time i needed to make a costume. So, now I'm stuck being a drunken santa. oh well
won't you burn up in that costume?
p.s. got my Mastodon t-shirt in the mail yesterday. i am so gay

Yesterday was horrible!!! I woke up feeling like shit. Then I started puking my brains out. I thought i was better last night and tried to eat something. I made it about an hour and then when i was taking a shower before i crawled back in bed POW! All that lovely food right back up. The best part is i was heaving so much...
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whoa, sounds like an ulcer. all that sambuca is hurting your tummy

Had a great night. I'm trying to take advice to not take everything so seriously. i met up with a girl I've had a crush on for long time. She made me dance... well that is if a uncontrolable spasm is a dance. We made out for a second then i had to go. It was fantastic. I feel like i'm 16 again at some...
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and ewww for prissy chicks, didn't know that was your bag. i worked out twice today, gotta sleep, i am nuts for the gym these days.
Blood Mountain, baby! i am so gay, i just ordered a t-shirt

close to last call this little girl comes up to talk to me. She spouts some shit about the kentuky mountains. She says something about religion and her blue grass family. She talks about a book... I say, hey, you mean the fire fox books? She came on the spot. Aparently no one knows about those great books that teach you how to skin a...
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aparently there are now 12 books instead of the 3 i grew up with. Wow, the hillbillies of the apalaichans sure can write
did you fly your kite?
Went to see mastodon last night. I have been looking foreward to it for over a month. Those bastards oversold the show so much you couldn't even see the freaking band. I want my money back. I stayed for 4 songs and left really pissed off
i wish my gut spilling would have had a different outcome, but it didn't, and it had been building up for over a year, so i guess it was good. fucked off and dramatic, but good.
thank you for your comment

FUCKIN' MASTODON!!!!!!! I haven't seen them in a while and I'm god damn excited. I don't know if its sold out or not but if your in the Austin area you need to come down. The new album is amazing. I've been transcribing it for over a month and I still can't figure some parts out. Go see the show or at least buy the...
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i'm going to see them this saturday in hotlanta with hotlanta! i can't wait!
Looking good!!! Feeling good. Going to sleep. Springs afternoon ride at 6. Need to rekindle my love with my bike. However need to heal all the broken parts of the body. Good bye good night and good luck
About 2 months ago i met thins girl who just moved here from S.A. She was very nice and fucking georgous. We went and had lunch one day. She told me she wouldn't eat fish because fish poop in the ocean where they live. I told her cows poop on the grass they eat. Stupid conversation. I removed her from my phone after that. This...
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i really can't remember being in this much pain, and i am not a pussy about shit like this. i really wanted to run today, that didn't happen.
I won't eat fish for about the same reason (and the histamines in them bother my asthma). But also because they stink. I won't even have a fish tank in the house. I don't eat much meat these days either though. The grass / poop argument is one I've heard before... lol. Funny...
so I met a nice young lady who moved here a week ago. I make freindly and ask her if she would like to sit and have a smoke. Yada yada yada... I invite her to come to my bar. So hours later I come in and she flags my ass down to introduce me to her BF. WTF!!! I hate it when girls leave...
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I bought you a shot, talked to you, told you some cool places to go
Hm, did you ask if she was single, or just presume she was because she was chatting to you? She could have just wanted to be friendly. I don't think that if I'm ina relationship it means I can't talk to other guys, or if someone offers to buy me a drink I don't automatically say, 'oh no thanks, I have a boyfriend.'