Ok so ... I miss my fiancee like CRAZY
and therefore i am not very happy...obviously. I started classes today, so far not too bad...they sound easier than my last school...but then I'm also taking a little bit of a lighter load. So here's the cool thing...my roommate is bi. so yeah...interesting eh?
I'm not sure whether to be ecstatic or just like whatever. I mean it's already starting. I thought she was pretty damn cute before I found out she's bi...now the hottness level is like way up.
I'm not sure what to do. I talked to draper about it and he said go for it and that I shouldn't feel guilty or anything since I told him and since I'm lonely and all. But I'm still like MAN I dunno. should I go for it? Should I hold back and forget it? should I wait for her to do something and then do something? GAH! And then to top it off...she's got this little flirty ass smile (or at least that's what it looks like to me) that she's been throwing to me at various times...since she found out I'm bi. But is it my imagination and she's just being cool? MMMM...I don't know...and I don't like not knowing.
Advice would be appreciated.
On another note...I just finished reading The Count of Monte Cristo...it rocks hard core. I mean the movie is great, but the book is better.
3 more days til I see draper

On another note...I just finished reading The Count of Monte Cristo...it rocks hard core. I mean the movie is great, but the book is better.
3 more days til I see draper

maybe the live-in thing will work to your advantage.