I so fucking hate so much people who thinks that artists are drugs addicts and alcoholics and that making art is just some funny spare time.

Drugs and alcohol CERTAINLY do not help to find inspiration.
And neither is the creation process some funny stuff you do easily during your spare time..it is a very hard and suffering work like probably any other job...
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Agreed smile
Keep going, I believe in you smile
Thanks for your support on my last message..that was just some moment down (as always)..but i feel better now...
Glad you're feeling better. Nothing anyone can say to you will really make a difference until you're ready to hear it. We all keep trying because we see the intelligent, beautiful, talented person you are and hope you can someday break free of your self-imposed shackles. I believe that one day something will click, and you'll realize in that instant that it is within your power to have a happy, successful life. Until then, I'll keep doing my best to nudge you in that general direction. smile
that is what friends are for, helping you see how things really are, making you understand that things are not all that bad smile
I hate my life
I spent my week end to cry
and today i'm thinking about killing myself again.
Why is it so hard? maybe i'm just too weak for this life...
I'm scared it is too late, i have really become bitter and i'm starting to become more and more ugly.
I can't stand myself..and i hate what i'm becoming.
It seems sadness and...
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No matter how bad things seem to get, today is always a good day to be on this side of the grass. strider57 is right, if you take responsibility for your own happiness, you can get beyond this.

you are never to old to accomplish your dreams! don't' be sad, you are so smart, so cool and you are still very beautiful, don't let people get you down!
when you realise that absolutly everybody in your life just disapointed you too much and that in the end you can count on nothing else but yourself (and that you are not totally sure to be strong enough to be able to count on your on)..

What is the thing to do to not let your heart fill with ressentiments?
I don't want it..but i...
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i think there is two things you need to do, first is you need to find new people to put in your life, there are plenty of people in the world, you just have to find the ones who work well with you! the other thing to do is work on your music to keep your mind off of it until you find those people.
I 'm in a weird situation...
I have a job..i'm making mechanics (again) for 3D cinema.
I really don't like mechanics at all..i understand now..i just can't concentrate on it that much because it doesn't interest me enough and my co-workers are all very passionate about it.
I don't really know if they realise that me i don't give a fuck...

But the weird thing...
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Try and find something you enjoy about your day and build from there, no job is forever. If you can take some joy from your day then that is a step in the right direction.x
well you can either do two things, you can start working hard and hope you get interested in it, it could be worse, you could be working in some dirty factor, or you can just find another job, maybe something that you will like a lot more.
Lot of things changed in my life recently..and this is really weird.
I feel i'm on the brink of collapse.
And i must be carefull every day to not fall...like if this time was my last chance
I'm in some kind of void, totally lonelly, totally free, in fact there is nothing to disturb me and everything going in the right direction just like if...
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It's a major part of the human condition that we are so often our own worst enemy. But it is possible to recognize our mistakes and make positive changes. You know I'm pulling for you. kiss
Change is hard but it can also be very good, our own mind can be our worst enemy, we have to look at the change and try to adapt and make the change something positive.
I love this natural color on you. smile
Well I have a love for girls with red hair and pale skin, they make me weak, when a girl like that is standing in front of me it is hard for me to say no to her.
Why is it so hard to forgive??
I'm scared to turn bitter...
Someone told me:
"Everyone has hurts, it's not a reason to hate someone"
But if everyone has hurts, why did they not care to hurt me? Why weren't they there to protect me? why did they only thought about their own interest and why did they not treat me like a human beiing?And...
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Aw this blog is so sad frown bitterness isn't healthy to hold on to. I've always just thought that everything happens for a reason & the hurt makes you a stronger person. I guess that helped me be at peace with the bad stuff. If you ever don't feel you've got a friend or someone to talk to, feel free to inbox me on here & I'll listen x
feel better now...positiveness positiveness..i swear i won't never let myself fall into depression again..
It's time to work and focus
Excellent ! !
Hard work is good, but also remember to enjoy life's simple little pleasures. Focusing more on all the wonderful things we do have, and a little less on the things we don't, can pay huge dividends.

Very glad to hear you're feeling more positive energy. smile
I feel depressed again...
Hope i won't post everydays again as i used to.
But why do i feel so easily depressed all the fucking time?
i don't manage to cover my wounds..even when i'm busy..and nothing can makes me feel busy enough to not think anymore.
I wish there was something..
I feel useless in life and i often think about killing myself.
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chin up. life can throw a lot of curve balls, but you have to push on. it's worth living. you're worth living. i'm a great listener if you ever need to vent.
Not sure what to tell you except hang in there

In real life I have no friends because I'm so awkward and really unsure how to act

So me on this site is my attempt at being social

If you ever want to chat just let me know

Hugs smile