Think the girls are having all the fun with their discussions on how to please and be pleased? What new toys are out there and what exercises there are for those bits down below? It's time for a no-holds-barred discussion on what's good and what to try out, this time …
For members, hopefuls, and SGs who speak Spanish!
For members, hopefuls, and SGs in South & Central America! Para les miembres, hopefuls, y SGs en Sur y Centro America! Para os membros, candidatos, e SGs em South & Central America!
For people who just are generally curious about the sex industry, want to ask questions of members, are doing research/need enlightenment, or a place where both workers and consumers can interact (not on a soliciting level) and promote better awareness and understanding. A place for people to post materials, websites, …
All things astrology, zodiac, divination, you name it!
The place to discuss healthy lifestyles. Share experiences, ask questions and discuss anything related to health and fitness.
Anything related to music, bands, musicians, record releases, etc.
All things relating to creating music!
Chronic & Long-Term Health Conditions
A place to discuss chronic and curable diseases and health issues! Vent, offer support, advice, or anything else related! To join the group, please have a profile photo and a reasonable amount of blog /comment activity so we know you're real! :)