I hate Firefox. If you set a cookie for a site without the www. prefix (website.com), and then try to load the page with the www. (website.com) it won't read the cookie!!! I absolutely loathe IE, but I've gotta give the win to IE in that particular round. I'm too tired to think about this tonight. If I can fix it without just having seperate cookies for with and without www. please leave me a comment with instructions.
More Blogs
Sunday Jul 25, 2010
I keep getting hooked up with 3 month freebies. Rockin'! A lot has… -
Saturday Dec 19, 2009
Well, whoever paid for my subscription for 3 months, thank you. It wa… -
Tuesday Feb 20, 2007
Well, I cancelled the re-bill on my account today, though I'm current… -
Saturday Jan 27, 2007
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Monday Dec 11, 2006
So, my flight lesson got cancelled thursday. The wind was coming at 3… -
Wednesday Dec 06, 2006
So tomorrow I have my first lesson with my flight instructor. I'll be… -
Monday Oct 16, 2006
Beautiful Agony -
Tuesday Sep 05, 2006
So, it's been well over a month since I posted. Time to remedy that. … -
Sunday Jul 23, 2006
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Tuesday Jul 11, 2006
Wow. I just went back and read over all my jounrals (I will never, E…
by the way, thank you for the comment on my video!!
Thank you for the new comment on my set, luv!