I've gotten so lazy from unemployment that I no longer enjoy cleaning the lint screen of my dryer!
"The lint screen?" I think to myself, "Yeah...I'll get around to cleaning that off tomorrow. I mean, I gotta take the thing out that slot, and then I have to wipe it with my hands, put it back in the slot, then throw the lint in a... Read More
Alright, I'm sick of getting wood every time I see my last journal entry, so it's time for a new one.
Apparently, I was eligible for unemployment after six months of not working even though I quit my job. However, now that it's been much longer, I have no income for last year, meaning I'd get no benefits.
However, having no income means big financial... Read More
"Well, they really liked your resume, but were a little dismayed by the lack of a college degree."
Hey, I wrote a computer game that was published nationwide and pirated by thousands of Russians instead, you fucks! But I guess you're more concerned with whether I've read Death of a Salesman. Fucking ass clowns.
When I feel like this, only one thing can calm me... Read More
I actually just found a picross solver on the web that works perfectly. I mean, I'd rather do one myself to learn the algorithm, but this thing is neat! It's here. The bad part is you have to enter the puzzle information by hand according to their syntax, but I still like it.
Nope. Standard transmission. There was a racing transmission on it when I got it that had that configuration, but it was old and geared really low. I was working the hell out of my enging in the upper range, so I rebuilt a stock tranny.
A woman, complete stranger, turns to me on the bus today and says, with no prelude, mind you, "I just went to Popeye's. It's okay, but I prefer KFC." Fucking animal! Y'know...the guaguas in Puerto Rico were never on time, took forever to go anywhere, and occasionally there were fistfights, but people would never say something as fucked up as that. Fucking Portland. I've gotta... Read More
Currently, the 24-120 VR is around 500 from BHPhoto.
It's incredibly versatile, because it can do just about anything, and Photojournalists refer to it as the "Streetsweeper". It's like a lenscap lens for them when they don't want bring heavy, specialized, fast glass (like a 17-35 f/2.8 and 70-200 /f2.8).
AF-S (Quiet and fast focusing)
VR (Shoot at 1/10 @ 120mm)
Useful range (On a DSLR it becomes 36-180, which isn't bad at all...it's still wide)
Versatile as hell
Slow (3.5-5.6, but it ramps up quickly to 5.6)
Depth of Field: The focusing basically tops out at 10-15 ft, so if your subject is beyond that, you are going to have them in focus, along with everything else. But the flip side is that it focuses close, and at 120mm, you can get cool pseudo macro use (Sample 120mm f/5.6 handheld at I believe 1/10)
Basically, if you need a lens that can do everything pretty decently, go with the VR. If you know what you want to shoot, and have specific requirements, go for a different lens. But if you dont know what you want to shoot, or just need a walkaround lens, it's probably the best choice you could make.
And if you can't afford the 24-120VR, look at the 24-85 3.5-4.5 AF-S, or 18-35 f/3.5-4.5 all top lenses.
Some coffee shop agreed to put my stuff up for First Thursday! That's when everybody stays open late, particularly galleries..Bars show art and galleries sell or give drinks and food. It's like a less insane version of La Noche de Gallerias in San Juan.
Anyway, I know it's just a coffee shop, but I liked the stuff (paintings) they already... Read More