I went to a company christmas party Friday night... it was.. interesting, and fun. I was so sore the rest of the weekened since I danced for three or so hours, and then limboed.. which was great fun, I was the best..
There was a very cute Asian girl there who got out on the dance floor by herself and started a strip-tease style dance...
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just had to say your taste in everything is ace love nice to meet someone with great tastes smile

looks like the party was a good time
I hate banks... I just had over $10 in bank fees this money.. and I don't even know what they are for because they suddenly changed what kind of account I had when I turned 19... but I don't know what the fees are... bloody hell...
And I never seem to have enough money... I don't know what is up.. I'm suppose to be sharing...
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Well, I'm still at my job for now... we'll see how long that lasts, they put up a posting for the position on their internal board...Ah well..

I'm seriously broke.. I left my CD player in London when we went for Thanksgiving.. and since it's at Tim's mother's and not mine, I won't get it back until Christmas..so, since I listen to music most of...
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5 bucks downtown for the movie
^___^ dryhgc vun dra lussahd yht muja - edc ymm ypuid paehk Ym Prat uh dra ehceta.... ^_~
Fucking Aviva...

When I was hired through the temp agency I was told the assignment was one year.. so I turned down other interviews.. apparently, even though the temp agency was told one year (maternity leave), the company really meant "maybe one year if no one in the company wants the position and we can't find someone better qualified from outside the company"... so, now...
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hmm... no, no empress yet! i'm in a large room with one crystal and a lot of mirrors. i get ar far as making all the mirrors reflekting throug the crystal, but then dont get what i am supposed to do... blackeyed
I have a job.. not one I -really- want.. but something none-the-less. Working at Aviva Insurance.. $12/hr.. starting tomorrow. Yay!

You'd think I'd be happy, but I'm actually a little depressed since I had two interviews tomorrow, and two more people called today.. including a vets office.
I would have loved to work at the vet's office, I made my cover letter make me sound...
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this guy right here frown
hey, thank you! what limbo girls site you talking bout?
So, hey.. I'm back after moving, etc.. Had a going away party right before moving, friends from high school, almost all of them, came over and we talked and watched Labyrinth, played video games, had sword fights, got drunk, and went for bubble tea..

Now I'm lonely.. It took Rogers two weeks to get our cable and internet up because they spelled our street name...
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Woohoo welcome back kiss
So, yay.. It's been forever since I've touched SG. I've been so busy (sort of), that I forgot it existed. My boy got his good computer built and running, so I spend all day on there playing games, etc.. and I haven't been in the mood to look at pretty naked girls.. (you know you're depressed when...)

We found a place in Scarborough, and we...
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i hate OSAP, they're like the devil
i want to just get rid of them, but they have my soul, well at least till i pay it off.
and i went to some pride activities as well, didn't know there was a ball, i went downtown today and zztop was playing, those guys are old
So I've also been accepted into school,guh though it doesn't make me want to move any more..

We went and saw Downfall, good movie.. and yesterday we saw Kingdom of Heaven. I'm starting to respect Orlando Bloom for his choices of film. My biggest issue with the movie was actually the fact that the shields were made from molds, so all shields for the different...
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Happy Birthday...enjoy your special day! smile
Happy birthday, baby! kiss
So Tim went and did his College testing yesterday and said it went well.. I still don't want to move, but it's for the best in the long run.
I've been having weird dreams lately.. which I suppose -is- better than not sleeping at all.
Thanks for the advice on my new tat. I'm leaning toward getting it on my wrist.

Hope the moving situation works out for you.