the dreamer has awakened
i am awake from dreaming.
life is radiant and beautiful.
letting go is bliss.
there is only now.
i completely embrace my strong and powerful self.
the universe fully supports me in my growth.
the old forms have collapsed to make way for the new and ever more beautiful.
the cycles of birth death and rebirth begin again in the infinite spiral dance.
i am the embodiement of light and energy.
i am radiant.
im electric.
oct 2011.
i am awake from dreaming.
life is radiant and beautiful.
letting go is bliss.
there is only now.
i completely embrace my strong and powerful self.
the universe fully supports me in my growth.
the old forms have collapsed to make way for the new and ever more beautiful.
the cycles of birth death and rebirth begin again in the infinite spiral dance.
i am the embodiement of light and energy.
i am radiant.
im electric.

oct 2011.
Radiant indeed - you look outrageously beautiful. 

i love the poem and your hair looks wonderful!