this image best describes how I feel right now
wacky wild weekends leave me a bit dazed -
I had so much fun...and got so little done!
Now I get to sit and prolong brain-dead meditation while sewing the sleeve I made onto the bodice piece. This is exciting folks,
no- really- it's really exciting because I made the sleeve myself, with gathers and everything-- the costume construction class is the highlight of my week- today sleeves- tomorrow- entire wardrobes of stunningly textured fashion...
if anyone has a really big ladder,... I need to clean out my gutters someday... I neglected to get outside and do 'winter preparation' type things like cleaing out the garage so I can park in it again and putting on the storm windows... I guess I know what I am doing next weekend. I'll devote this week to lots of schoolwork and re-arranging the living room- gee- have you ever read a more interesting 'to do list?
thaks for the friend requests see you later

i have a ladder.
Hey welcome to the site. I know I am a little slow but I was away for a while. Nice meeting you the other day. Maybe next time we can play some Ms. pacman, unlike Neo I suck though so um if you are looking to easily kick somebody's ass, I am your man.