I am supposed to be cleaning the house today
there are not enough hours to do that
I have been drinking coffee and working online doing research for this giganitic project I have going on involving making a lot of puppets.
I am in way over my head but it will be fun as hell
Somehow I still have to clean and decorate the house...
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there are not enough hours to do that
I have been drinking coffee and working online doing research for this giganitic project I have going on involving making a lot of puppets.
I am in way over my head but it will be fun as hell
Somehow I still have to clean and decorate the house...
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Now Judas is my friend!
Wednesday, OCT 12- Saturday OCT 15
7:00 PM
It's a good show- a brooding tragedy. I designed and buildt the set!
It's pretty exciting! I hope some of you make it!
Wednesday, OCT 12- Saturday OCT 15
7:00 PM
It's a good show- a brooding tragedy. I designed and buildt the set!
It's pretty exciting! I hope some of you make it!
comment comment comment
journals are so hard for me!
I know-
I have a question!
What should I do/get for my neighbors who always mow my lawn?
I don't talk to them all that much, and the guy offered to mow my lawn back when I moved in 3 years ago and has done it ever since.
I shovel their sidewalk sometimes when it snows,...
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journals are so hard for me!
I know-
I have a question!
What should I do/get for my neighbors who always mow my lawn?
I don't talk to them all that much, and the guy offered to mow my lawn back when I moved in 3 years ago and has done it ever since.
I shovel their sidewalk sometimes when it snows,...
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Give them some serious meat.......just not mine, kay?
My meat is only for my lady.

My meat is only for my lady.

booyah, lady! when did you get back here?
Lots of tissues
and lil Joe is sicky
I have to go to work soon
I know I never update
I am busy
building sets
Lots of tissues
and lil Joe is sicky
I have to go to work soon
I know I never update
I am busy
building sets
Let's see...
So I am bugging out on allergies right now-
Some sort of super pollen has been unleashed-
And all this time I thought it was all of the cats!
I am cranky becasue it's ruining my moring.
Things are going swimmingly.
I've been going to the studio and playing with my toys. I have been berating Radio Sweetheart for having no concept of...
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So I am bugging out on allergies right now-
Some sort of super pollen has been unleashed-
And all this time I thought it was all of the cats!
I am cranky becasue it's ruining my moring.
Things are going swimmingly.
I've been going to the studio and playing with my toys. I have been berating Radio Sweetheart for having no concept of...
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I just made delicious christmas cookies, stayed in drinking wine and brandy with Joe and made a gallon of carrot, squash and sweet potato soup. I feel great. I should have been on a flight to Nashville this afternoon, to be met by my parents who live in Kentucy. They got 14 inches of snow last night, so they couldn't leave their house. They don't...
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Welcome back.

Let's see...
So I am bugging out on allergies right now-
Some sort of super pollen has been unleashed-
And all this time I thought it was all of the cats!
I am cranky becasue it's ruining my moring.
Things are going swimmingly.
I've been going to the studio and playing with my toys. I have been berating Radio Sweetheart for having no concept of human time.
I have been trying to train him in the finer points of co-habitation. And he is doing a fine job of keeping up his duties around the house.
I went to Santa Fe to see some operas a couple of weeks agon. That was extremely cool.
I have to go now. My nose is falling off.
So I am bugging out on allergies right now-
Some sort of super pollen has been unleashed-
And all this time I thought it was all of the cats!
I am cranky becasue it's ruining my moring.
Things are going swimmingly.
I've been going to the studio and playing with my toys. I have been berating Radio Sweetheart for having no concept of human time.
I have been trying to train him in the finer points of co-habitation. And he is doing a fine job of keeping up his duties around the house.
I went to Santa Fe to see some operas a couple of weeks agon. That was extremely cool.
I have to go now. My nose is falling off.
I have been wasting time trying to salvage a horrible mass-quantity meal I made for myself a week ago...
Lately I have had the cooking skills of a little old lady... more specifially- my Grandmother on my dad's side who was into tasteless and overdone - in fact, I was the only one who ate her food because I loved her so much- but now...
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Lately I have had the cooking skills of a little old lady... more specifially- my Grandmother on my dad's side who was into tasteless and overdone - in fact, I was the only one who ate her food because I loved her so much- but now...
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I wish I had read this journal before I put that rotting cranberry nut bread in my mouth!!
I should note that it was VERY tasty when it was fresh!

I should note that it was VERY tasty when it was fresh!

All my cooking is improv cooking. Sometimes things do go wrong though. But, hey how else are you gonna learn. Good seeing you at Neo's. Are you guys going to d_p's party?
Just wanted to check in and Say Hello-
I also want to review my last couple of weeks.
Breakfast was fun at the T-Rock today- It was fun seeing everyone who came out
Monday Elinor left for India-- when she comes back she will be living at her parent's- no more of her old, pretty apartment- I will miss that place-
I saw Karen yesterday...
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I also want to review my last couple of weeks.
Breakfast was fun at the T-Rock today- It was fun seeing everyone who came out
Monday Elinor left for India-- when she comes back she will be living at her parent's- no more of her old, pretty apartment- I will miss that place-
I saw Karen yesterday...
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I talked with the guys at Creative Electric yesterday..they're going to inform me as to how to be in the show next year when they're getting it ready. You should tell them you're interested, too!
I had fun with you and your Salt Lick this morning..always fun to see you two.

I had fun with you and your Salt Lick this morning..always fun to see you two.

So we actually went the the 90s last night to sing Karoke
I was in rare form-I have nothing to do today until 6-
and can't really remember if I had 6 beers after the 2 vodka cranberries, or if it was 4- what really matters it that I had a great time-
I got to sing Maps and dance like a fool when they...
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I was in rare form-I have nothing to do today until 6-
and can't really remember if I had 6 beers after the 2 vodka cranberries, or if it was 4- what really matters it that I had a great time-
I got to sing Maps and dance like a fool when they...
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Heh, That was a good time. You two are so cute together. Hope you had a great Thanskgiving and that we will see you out at Karaoke again some time.

Good to meet you last time around, see you guys around.
finally some real sun and all I have to do is rake leaves
and my rake broke
so I need a new rake
instead I came indoors to look at the computer screen and sit by the window with the real sun
I have to work today and I would rather suck on a lemon
why is it always when I am ready to do...
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and my rake broke
so I need a new rake
instead I came indoors to look at the computer screen and sit by the window with the real sun
I have to work today and I would rather suck on a lemon
why is it always when I am ready to do...
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So you wann go rake shopping sometime, hot buns?

Join the club
I don't think that the antisocialite personailty of a fine artists and the workload that goes along with it tends to coincide well with being around people...
....Or maybe that's just my dysfunction.
Chicago... sigh, I was there this summer for the first time ever... took the train from Lansing Michigan, 5 hours...it was glorious! I loved the train, I wish I could take it to Europe, I'd be gone in a heartbeat if I could.
Planes are ok, I don't mind them, but there is something more gratifying about traveling by rails.
Now go get some work done! Damn lazy artists

I don't think that the antisocialite personailty of a fine artists and the workload that goes along with it tends to coincide well with being around people...
....Or maybe that's just my dysfunction.
Chicago... sigh, I was there this summer for the first time ever... took the train from Lansing Michigan, 5 hours...it was glorious! I loved the train, I wish I could take it to Europe, I'd be gone in a heartbeat if I could.
Planes are ok, I don't mind them, but there is something more gratifying about traveling by rails.
Now go get some work done! Damn lazy artists

I need people committed by 11am to get the Johnny to come out.