No, I'm not dead. Thought I'd post an update, in case you needed proof.
Growing out my hair. Making some progress.
Also, I was brainstorming some ideas for a new set-- a set that will actually get accepted as Set of the Day-- and I was wondering if you guys had any comments, critiques, suggestions for my next set? What kind of things do you like and want to see?
Just let me know.
I'd appreciate the feedback.
Growing out my hair. Making some progress.

Also, I was brainstorming some ideas for a new set-- a set that will actually get accepted as Set of the Day-- and I was wondering if you guys had any comments, critiques, suggestions for my next set? What kind of things do you like and want to see?
Just let me know.

I think you do juuust fine in your set, you have a great range of expressions and poses... You just need a better photographer, one that understands what will do well on the site. But definitely do shoot again!
Bloody gorgeous. Glad that you are representing my hometown