I've been conveniently forgetting to take my antidepressants for the past two months.
Is this why my sex drive is fahhhcking crazy??? (ok TMI, sorry. but really.)
I don't think there is anything wrong with me. You know what was wrong? I hated myself for feeling like I had to take a pill to be "normal." We all know that normal is nonexistent. (Especially in my family.)
I'm wondering if I should come out to my parents soon. I know they'll be okay with it even if it takes them a while to get used to the idea; it's just a matter of when, and the setting and stuff...probably wouldn't be a good idea when they're in town for Thanksgiving this week.
I want to tell them because I'm a big fan of honesty -- but then again, they don't tell me much about their personal lives, and I dunno, who I'm dating seems kind of irrelevant.
It would probably be best for me to save it 'til I have a serious lady one day and just bring her over for dinner or something, lol. I can totally see my parents trivializing it in some way: "You just think you're gay because of everything you went through last year."
Or maybe not. I'm too hard on my parents sometimes.
Is this why my sex drive is fahhhcking crazy??? (ok TMI, sorry. but really.)
I don't think there is anything wrong with me. You know what was wrong? I hated myself for feeling like I had to take a pill to be "normal." We all know that normal is nonexistent. (Especially in my family.)
I'm wondering if I should come out to my parents soon. I know they'll be okay with it even if it takes them a while to get used to the idea; it's just a matter of when, and the setting and stuff...probably wouldn't be a good idea when they're in town for Thanksgiving this week.
I want to tell them because I'm a big fan of honesty -- but then again, they don't tell me much about their personal lives, and I dunno, who I'm dating seems kind of irrelevant.
It would probably be best for me to save it 'til I have a serious lady one day and just bring her over for dinner or something, lol. I can totally see my parents trivializing it in some way: "You just think you're gay because of everything you went through last year."
Or maybe not. I'm too hard on my parents sometimes.

anyway, i'm completely against coming out. straight kids don't "come out." i feel like doing it is almost like declaring that there is something wrong with you that needs to be addressed by everyone around you. in situations like this i always ask myself, "what would a strait kid do?" (meaning, what would i do if nobody took issue with my sexuality) the bringing your serious girl to dinner is the best option i think.
im not telling my parents just yet....i just figured it out myself lol
i dont think anyone needs pills to be normal....but if it makes u fell like u do...